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Larry Gu, University of Southern California, Decategorification of HFK_n(L)


Using a definition of Euler characteristic for fractionally-graded complexes based on roots of unity, we show that the Euler characteristics of Dowlin’s “sl(n)-like” Heegaard Floer knot invariants HFK_n recover both Alexander polynomial evaluations and sl(n) polynomial evaluations at certain roots of unity for links in S^3. We show that the equality of these evaluations can…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Pierre Cardialaguet, Université Paris-Dauphine, France, Microscopic derivation of a traffic flow model with a bifurcation


In this joint ongoing work with Nicolas Forcadel (INSA Rouen) we study traffic flows models with a bifurcation. The model consists in a single incoming road divided after a junction into several outgoing ones. There are basically two classes of models to describe this situation: microscopic models, which explain how each vehicle behaves  in function…

Kailash Misra, NC State, Affine Lie Algebras and Crystals

SAS 1102

Affine Lie algebras, also sometimes called current algebras, are infinite-dimensional analogs of finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebras. The representation theory of affine Lie algebras has applications in many areas of mathematics (number theory, combinatorics, group theory, geometry, topology, etc.) and physics (conformal field theory, integrable systems, statistical mechanics, etc.). To study the combinatorial properties of affine Lie algebra…

Juan Villarreal Montoya, NC State, Logarithmic vertex algebras


First, I will make a general introduction to vertex algebras. Then, I will mention some results of recent work with Bojko Bakalov on Logarithmic vertex algebras.   Jointly in person in SAS 4201 or virtually on Zoom. The Zoom link is sent out to the Algebra and Combinatorics mailing list, please contact Corey Jones at to…

Ben Daniel, NC State, Analyzing a Randomized Algorithm for Rank-Revealing QR Factorizations


A rank-revealing QR factorization (RRQR) of an mxn matrix A can be an efficient alternative to the singular value decomposition.  Given 1≤k<n,  the problem of computing an RRQR is selecting k linearly independent columns of A. In this talk, we discuss the RRQR and present an efficient two-staged randomized algorithm to compute one. We analyze…

Cashous Bortner, NC State, Identifiabiity of Linear Compartmental Tree Models


A linear compartmental model is a linear ODE model which can be visualized by a directed graph.  Identifiability is the study of determining whether a model's parameter values can be inferred from the defining "input-output equation" under perfect conditions.  In this talk, I present a novel combinatorial formula for the computation of the coefficients of these…

Longfei Li, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Numerical methods for fourth-order PDEs on overlapping grids with application to Kirchhoff-Love plates


We propose novel numerical methods for solving a class of high-order hyperbolic PDEs on general geometries, which involve 2nd-order derivatives in time and up-to 4th-order derivatives in space. These PDEs are widely used in modeling thin-walled elastic structures such as beams, plates and shells, etc. High-order spatial derivatives together with general geometries bring a number…

Irina Kogan, NC State, Group Actions, Invariants, and Applications


I will overview some important milestones in the development of the Invariant Theory from its classical times to modern days, leading into a discussion of the current progress in theory, computation, and applications. The highlights include Hilbert's basis theorem, geometric invariant theory, differential algebra of invariants, the moving frame approach, Lie's work on symmetries of…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Riccardo Sacco, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, A Nonlinear Heterogeneous Transmission Model for Organic Polymer Retinal Prostheses


In this talk we propose a model for the simulation of retinal prostheses based on the use  of organic polymer nanoparticles (NP). The model consists of a nonlinearly coupled system of elliptic partial differential equations accounting for: (1) light photoconversion into free charged carriers in the NP bulk; (2) charge transport in the NP bulk…

Joseph Hoisington, University of Georgia, Calibrations and Harmonic Mappings of Rank-1 Symmetric Spaces.


We will prove lower bounds for the p-energies of mappings of real, complex and quaternionic projective spaces to arbitrary Riemannian manifolds.  The equality cases of the results for real and complex projective space give strong characterizations of some families of energy-minimizing harmonic mappings of these spaces.  If we have enough time, we will also describe…

Cashous Bortner, NC State, “What is an Internship” Panel


Are you a math undergrad or grad student and interested in doing an internship related to math?  This event is for you!  The Graduate Training Module for Friday, October 8th is titled, "What is an Internship?" and consists of a panel of current graduate students who have done several different types of internships,  and are ready and…

Ilse Ipsen, NC State Randomized Algorithms for Least Squares/Regression Problems


We review randomized algorithms for the numerical solution of least squares/regression problems, with a focus on algorithms that row-sketch from the left, or column-sketch from the right. These algorithms tend to be efficient and accurate on matrices that have many more rows than columns. We present probabilistic bounds for the amount of sampling required to…

Jianping Pan, NC State, Crystals, Stable Grothendieck Polynomials, and Putting Numbers In Boxes


I will tell you about my dissertation work on two variants of stable Grothendieck polynomials and their combinatorics. Relevant combinatorial objects include crystals (edge-labelled directed digraphs from representation theory), tableaux (numbers in boxes with rules), decreasing factorizations (numbers in parentheses), and insertion algorithms (how to put numbers in boxes). Background in algebraic combinatorics is helpful…

Sarah Strikwerda, NC State, Optimal Control in Fluid Flows through Deformable Porous Media


We consider an optimal control problem subject to a poro-visco-elastic model with applications to fluid flows through biological tissues. Our goal is to optimize the fluid pressure and solid displacement using distributed or boundary control. We discuss an application of this problem to a tissue in the human eye. Previous literature on well- posedness of…

Pengtao Sun, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Numerical Studies for Unsteady Moving Interface Problems and Applications to Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI)

SAS 4201

In this talk, I will present our recent numerical methodology studies for unsteady moving interface problems and applications to dynamic fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems. Our numerical methodologies include the body-fitted mesh method (arbitrary Lagrangian−Eulerian (ALE) method), the body-unfitted mesh method (fictitious domain (FD) method), combining with the mixed finite element approximation, as well as the…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Yifeng Yu, University of California – Irvine, High Degeneracy of Effective Hamiltonian in Two Dimensions


One of the major open problems in homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations is to under deep properties of the effective Hamiltonian.  In this talk,  I will present some recent progress. In particular, consider the effective Hamiltonian associated with the mechanical Hamiltonian H(p,x)=(|p|^2)/2+V(x). We can show that for generic V, the effective Hamiltonian is piecewise 1d in…