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Francisco J. Silva, Université de Limoges, Analytical and numerical aspects of variational mean field games


Mean Field Games (MFGs) have been introduced independently by Lasry-Lions and Huang, Malhamé and Caines in 2006. The main purpose of this theory is to simplify the analysis of stochastic differential games with a large number of small and indistinguishable players. Applications of MFGs include models in Economics, Mathematical Finance, Social Sciences and Engineering. In…

SIAM Mathematics in Industry Seminar: Make a Difference: Mathematical Sciences R&D Careers at Sandia National Laboratories


Brian Adams and colleagues will conduct a mathematics and statistics-specific information session including a brief overview of SNL’s mission, R&D areas, and opportunities in mathematics, statistics, and computational science. Staff and project profiles will demonstrate the ways you can contribute to high-impact problems in the national interest through fundamental math and computational science R&D, software/hardware development, and…

Asgar Jamneshan, UCLA, On some aspects of uncountable ergodic theory


The talk aims at providing an introduction into some basic problems occurring in the ergodic theory of uncountable group actions and a setup and a few tools on how to resolve these issues. This part of the talk shall be accessible to anyone with a graduate-level background in probability and analysis. Towards the end of…

Eric Geiger, NC State, Non-congruent non-degenerate curves with identical signatures


This talk will focus on using the Euclidean Signature to determine whether two smooth planar curves are congruent under the Special Euclidean group. Work done by Emilio Musso and Lorenzo Nicolodi emphasizes that signatures must be used with caution by constructing 1-parameter families of non-congruent curves with degenerate vertices (curve segments of constant curvature) with identical signatures. We address the claim…

Braxton Osting, University of Utah, Consistency of archetypal analysis


Archetypal analysis is an unsupervised learning method that uses a convex polytope to summarize multivariate data. For fixed k, the method finds a convex polytope with k vertices, called archetype points, such that the polytope is contained in the convex hull of the data and the mean squared distance between the data and the polytope…

Kasso Okoudjou, Tufts University, On the HRT Conjecture


Given a non-zero square-integrable function $g$ and $\Lambda=\{(a_k, b_k)\}_{k=1}^N \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ let $\mathcal{G}(g, \Lambda)=\{e^{2\pi i b_k \cdot}g(\cdot - a_k)\}_{k=1}^N.$ The Heil-Ramanathan-Topiwala (HRT) Conjecture is the question of whether $\mathcal{G}(g, \Lambda)$ is linearly independent. For the last two decades, very little progress has been made in settling the conjecture. In the first part of the talk,…

Noemi Petra, UC Merced, Inferring the basal sliding coefficient field for the Stokes ice sheet model under rheological uncertainty


We consider the problem of inferring the basal sliding coefficient field for an uncertain Stokes ice sheet forward model from surface velocity measurements. The uncertainty in the forward model stems from unknown (or uncertain) auxiliary parameters (e.g., rheology parameters). This inverse problem is posed within the Bayesian framework, which provides a systematic means of quantifying uncertainty in the solution. To account…

Christoph Thäle, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, Random Cones


Let $U_1,\ldots,U_n$ be independent random vectors which are uniformly distributed on the unit sphere. The random hyperplanes $U_1^\perp,\ldots,U_n^\perp$ dissect the space into a collection of random cones. A uniform random cone $S_n$ from this collection is called the Schläfli random cone. In a classical paper of Cover and Efron (1967) it was proved that the…

Mihaela Paun, University of Glasgow, Assessing model mismatch and model selection in a Bayesian uncertainty quantification analysis of a fluid-dynamics model of pulmonary blood circulation


In this talk I will present a Bayesian approach to quantify the uncertainty of model parameters and hemodynamic predictions in a one-dimensional fluid-dynamics model of the pulmonary system by integrating mouse imaging data and hemodynamic data. The long-term aim is to devise a calibrated patient-specific model. I emphasize an often neglected, though the important source…

Geng Chen, University of Kansas, Poiseuille flow of nematic liquid crystals via Ericksen-Leslie model


In this talk, we will discuss a recent global existence result on the Poiseuille flow of nematic liquid crystals via full Ericksen-Leslie model. The existing results on the Ericksen-Leslie model for the liquid crystals mainly focused on the parabolic and elliptic type models by omitting the kinetic energy term. In this recent progress, we established…

Paata Ivanisvili, North Carolina State University, Enflo’s problem


A nonlinear analogue of the Rademacher type of a Banach space was introduced in classical work of Enflo. The key feature of Enflo type is that its definition uses only the metric structure of the Banach space, while the definition of Rademacher type relies on its linear structure. I will speak about the joint work with…