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Thomas Courtade, UC Berkeley


Website: Host: Paata Ivanisvili

Darrick Lee Affiliation, University of Pennsylvania, Path Signatures on Lie Groups


Path signatures are powerful nonparametric tools for time series analysis, shown to form a universal and characteristic feature map for Euclidean valued time series data. The theory of path signatures can be lifted to the setting of Lie group valued time series while retaining their universal and characteristic properties. This talk will introduce these generalized path signatures on Lie groups and…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Petronela Radu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Nonlocal models: theoretical and applied aspects


The emergence of nonlocal theories as promising models in different areas of science (continuum mechanics, biology, image processing) has led the mathematical community to conduct varied investigations of systems of integro-differential equations. In this talk I will present some recent results on systems of integral equations with weakly singular kernels, flux-type boundary conditions, as well…

Craig Douglas, University of Wyoming, Applications of Data Assimilation Methods on a Coupled Dual Porosity Stokes Model


Porous media and conduit coupled systems are heavily used in a variety of areas such as groundwater system, petroleum extraction, and biochemical transport. A coupled dual porosity Stokes model has been proposed to simulate the fluid flow in a dual-porosity media and conduits coupled system. Data assimilation is the discipline that studies the combination of mathematical models and observations. It…

Andy DeRoin (NCSU GLBT Center), GLBT 101 Virtual/Zoom


We will have a presentation in the graduate training modules.  Andy DeRoin from the NCSU GLBT center will give a presentation "GLBT 101".  Find out some general information about what it means to be a GLBT person, and how you can support GLBT students in the classroom setting.  This event is open to students and…

Roman Aranda, University of Iowa, Diagrams of $\star$-trisections


A trisection of a smooth, connected 4-manifold is a decomposition into three standard pieces. Like the case of Heegaard splittings in dimension three, a trisection is described by a trisection diagram: three sets of curves in a surface satisfying some properties. In general, it is not evident whether two trisection diagrams represent the same decomposition…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Teemu Saksala, North Carolina State University, Generic uniqueness and stability for the mixed ray transform


We consider the mixed ray transform of tensor fields on a three-dimensional compact simple Riemannian manifold with boundary. We prove the injectivity of the transform, up to natural obstructions, and establish stability estimates for the normal operator on generic three dimensional simple manifold in the case of 1+1 and 2+2 tensors fields. We show how the…

Register for TAGMaC

We hope this email finds you well. Given the uniqueness of this academic year, the Triangle Area Graduate Mathematics Conference (TAGMaC) will be happening differently than usual. We’d like to share some initial details about TAGMaC and invite you to register early.   There will only be one meeting of TAGMaC this academic year. It…

Joseph Cummings, University of Kentucky, Well-Poised Embeddings of Arrangement Varieties


An affine variety  is said to be well-poised if  is prime for every . Arrangement varieties are a special class of -varieties built from a hyperplane arrangement decorated by polyhedra. We will show that arrangement varieties always have a well-poised embedding and explore their toric degenerations coming from their tropicalizations. As a class of examples, we realize the Cox…

Sergei Treil, Brown University


Website: Host: Paata Ivanisvili

Alex Chandler, University of Vienna, Torsion in Thin Regions of Khovanov Homology


In the integral Khovanov homology of links, the presence of odd torsion is rare. Homologically thin links, that is links whose Khovanov homology is supported on two adjacent diagonals, are known to contain only 2-torsion. In this paper, we prove a local version of this result. If the Khovanov homology of a link is supported…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Oliver Tse, Eindhoven University of Technology, Jump processes as generalized gradient flows


The study of evolution equations in spaces of measures has seen tremendous growth in the last decades, of which resulted in general metric space theories for analyzing variational evolutions—evolutions driven by one or more energies/entropies. On the other hand, physics and large-deviation theory suggest the study of generalized gradient flows—gradient flows with non-homogeneous dissipation potentials—which…

Trivia Night


Next week Friday night from 6-8pm, AMS will host a Trivia Night via Zoom. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, this will be a "bring your own snacks" event. This event is a great way for us to connect as a department during this socially distanced time. We hope that you will join us, so we can…