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Fall 2020 Math Departmental Online Meeting Virtual/Zoom


There will be our usual beginning of the semester meeting next Wednesday, August 12, at 4:15 p.m. The meeting will be held online. Departmental staff and faculty will receive a link.

Peter McGrath, NC State, Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequalities on Riemannian Surfaces


In this talk, we introduce a scattering asymmetry which measures the asymmetry of a domain on a surface by quantifying its incompatibility with an isometric circle action. We prove a quantitative isoperimetric inequality involving the scattering asymmetry and characterize the domains with vanishing scattering asymmetry by their rotational symmetry. We also give a new proof…

Adam Lowrance, Vassar College, Extremal Khovanov homology of Turaev genus one links


The Turaev surface of a link diagram is a surface built from a cobordism between the all-A and all-B Kauffman states of the diagram. The Turaev surface can be seen as a Jones polynomial analogue of the Seifert surface. The Turaev genus of a link is the minimum genus of the Turaev surface for any…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Michael Shearer, North Carolina State University, Riemann Problems for the BBM Equation


The BBM equation is a nonlinear dispersive scalar PDE related to the KdV equation. However, it has a non-convex dispersion relation that introduces a variety of novel wave structures. These waves are highlighted by considering numerical solutions of Riemann problems, in which a smoothed step function initial condition u(x,0) exhibits long-time behavior that is a…