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Sarah Olson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Modeling the dynamics of centrosome movement

Cox 306

The mitotic spindle is a complex, dynamic machine important for cell division. The spindle is composed of a network of microtubules  and motor proteins that generate forces to form a bipolar spindle, with each pole organized around a single centrosome. Disruption in force generating activities through protein depletions or alterations to centrosome number, alter spindle…

Linh Truong, Institute for Advanced Study, Homology spheres, knots, and cobordisms

Homology 3-spheres, i.e. 3-dimensional manifolds with the same homology groups as the standard 3- sphere, play a central role in topology. Their study was initiated by Poincare in 1904, who constructed the first nontrivial example of a homology 3-sphere, and conjectured that the standard sphere is the only simply connected example. A century later, Poincare's…

Association for Women in Mathematics: 2020 Math Research Competition

The AWM Chapter is organizing a Math Research Competition on Saturday, February 29, here at NCSU (the poster is attached).  The program includes 2 keynote lectures, two parallel sessions of lightning talks (one in math, and one in applied math), and a poster session. Awards will be given to top presentations and posters. Lunch is provided for all participants. Therefore,…

Rossana Capuani, Metric entropy for functions of bounded total generalized variation

We establish a sharp estimate for a minimal number of binary digits (bits) needed to represent all bounded total generalized variation functions taking values in a general totally bounded metric space (E, ρ) up to an accuracy of  epsilon > 0 with respect to the L^1-distance. Such an estimate is explicitly computed in terms of…

CANCELED: Bo Wang, Southern Methodist University, Fast and Accurate Simulations Of Time Domain Scattering Problem

This event has been rescheduled for August 25. We present a fast and accurate numerical method for the simulation of time domain scattering problem. Both acoustic and electromagnetic scattering problems are discussed. Nonreflecting boundary conditions (NRBCs) are used to truncate the problem. We first derive analytic expressions for the underlying convolution kernels which allow for a rapid and accurate…

CANCELED: Christopher K Jones, UNC, How far the dynamical systems perspective be pushed for studying nonlinear waves and patterns in multi-dimensions?

Geometric dynamical systems ideas have been very successful in determining traveling and standing waves in one space dimension.  Techniques that have proved important for their existence and stability include geometric singular perturbation theory, Lin’s Method, the Evans Function and the Maslov Index. Spatial Dynamics constitutes an approach to extending these ideas to higher-dimensional domains that…