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Renee Brady, NC State, Forecasting Cancer: Predicting Individual Responses to Intermittent Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Prostate Cancer

Cox 306

Intermittent androgen deprivation therapy (IADT) is an attractive treatment approach for biochemically recurrent prostate cancer (PCa), whereby cycling treatment on and off has been shown to limit toxicities and reduce cumulative dose. While IADT has been shown to delay the development of treatment resistance, underlying mechanisms and actionable biomarkers are required to accurately predict when…

SIAM Student Chapter Academic Job Hiring Panel

SAS 1102

Profs. Ilse Ipsen, Ralph Smith, and Mansoor Haider will provide their insight on experiences in academic job hiring. This panel will provide graduate students interested in careers in academia with useful advice on job interviews and the job market in academia.

Interview Strategies Panel

This panel discussion will provide students with interview strategies for different types of jobs (academic, industrial, labs, etc.).  Some time will be spent on the environment at the Joint Mathematics Meeting.

AWM Movie Night – Hidden Figures

SAS 4104

AWM is hosting Movie Night to watch Hidden Figures. There will be free popcorn and drinks.     AWMmovienight Poster

Christine Ruey Shan Lee, Plamenevskaya’s invariant from the stable Khovanov homology of twisted torus knots

A transverse link is a link in the 3-sphere that is everywhere transverse to the standard contact structure. Transverse links are considered up to transverse isotopy, with classical invariants such as the self-linking number and regular isotopy class. One of the first connections between transverse links and quantum invariants was made by Plamenevskaya in 2006,…

Dr. Campbell’s Retirement Reception

SAS 4104

Steve Campbell will be retiring as of January 1, 2019  after 47 years of service to the department.

SIAM Seminar: ML Explainability vs. Adversarial ML

Mann 404

How do we know that we can trust our machine learning models?  How do we detect when an adversary is exploiting our machine learning solutions? How does the explainability of machine learning models help the customers of such models versus helping the adversaries of such models?  In this talk we will examine recent issues in Machine…

Honors Research Presentation

SAS 2102

Grant Barkley   Title: Coxeter Groups and the Lattice of Total Orders   Abstract: A Coxeter group is a group generated by elements of order 2, called reflections, along with certain relations between the elements. The group of permutations on n elements (generated by swapping 1 and 2, 2 and 3, etc.) is an important…

Thomas McConville, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Chapoton triangles from multidimensional Catalan objects

Chapoton triangles are polynomials in two variables defined by Coxeter-Catalan objects. These polynomials are related by some remarkable identities that only depend on the rank of the associated (finite) Coxeter system. The multidimensional Catalan numbers enumerate the number of standard Young tableaux of a rectangular shape. In this talk I will introduce some other combinatorial objects counted by these numbers. I…

Spring 2020 Beginning of Semester Meeting

SAS 1102

Dean McGahan will be attending and will speak at the meeting. I am happy to solicit questions from the faculty and staff that will be sent to the Dean ahead of the meeting so that she can address them. The Dean will be available for about 25 minutes at the start of the meeting. We plan…

Maria-Veronica Ciocanel, Ohio State University, Stochastic and continuum dynamics in cellular transport

The cellular cytoskeleton is essential in proper cell function as well as in organism development. These filaments represent the roads along which most protein transport occurs inside cells. I will discuss examples where questions about filament-motor protein interactions require the development of novel mathematical modeling, analysis, and simulation. In the development of egg cells into…

Corey Jones, Ohio State University, Fusion categories and their applications in mathematical physics

Fusion categories are rich mathematical structures generalizing the representation categories of finite groups. They arise in many areas of mathematics and physics. Most strikingly, they have emerged as models for particle-like excitations with exotic exchange statistics in low dimensional quantum field theories. We will provide an introduction to these ideas and discuss recent results on…

Peter McGrath, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Existence and Uniqueness Results for Minimal Surfaces

A hypersurface in a Riemannian manifold is called minimal if its mean curvature vanishes identically.  Minimal surfaces have fascinated mathematicians since the time of Euler, and tremendous progress has been made in understanding the structure of the space of embedded minimal surfaces in various ambient manifolds in the last 50 years.  After surveying the subject, I will…