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Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Cass Miller, UNC, Toward a New Generation of Models to Simulate Two-Fluid Flow in Porous Media

Two fluid flow in porous medium systems is an important application in many different areas of science and engineering.  Overwhelmingly, it is necessary to mathematically model the behavior of applications of concern at an averaged scale where the juxtaposed position of the phases is not resolved in detail.  This length scale is called the macroscale…

Andrew van der Poel, NC State, Reductions & Problems which Computers are Slow to Solve

SAS 2102

We all tackle hard problems everyday, like finding a parking spot in the Dan Allen Deck. However, there are special types of problems which are hard even for a computer to solve. Reductions, conversions of one problem into another, play a critical role in determining the hardness of these computational problems, and lead to philosophical questions…

Teaching and Diversity Statements

An afternoon discussion/workshop by Jo-Ann Cohen on preparing teaching and diversity statements for the job search.  Note unusual time!

Yerkin Kitapbayev, NC State, American Options Pricing Under Stochastic Volatility Models via Picard Iterations

Daniels 371

This paper studies the valuation of American options for a general one-factor stochastic volatility model.  Using the local time-space calculus on surfaces we derive an early exercise premium representation for the option price, parametrized by the optimal exercise surface. The exercise surface is the unique solution to an integral equation of Volterra type. The paper…

Biji Wong, CIRGET, Twisted Mazur Pattern Satellite Knots and Bordered Floer Theory

Bordered Floer theory has proven quite useful for studying satellites. In this talk, I'll discuss how to use gradings in bordered Floer theory to study the Floer thickness, 3-genus, and fiberedness of arbitrarily twisted Mazur pattern satellite knots Q_n(K). We'll show that for all but two satellites, Q_n(K) is not Floer homologically thin, we'll give…

Undergrads Union Grads (UUG) Math Grad School Applications Workshop

SAS 2102

UUG is holding a Math Grad School Applications Workshop. We will have a presentation about applying to grad schools in mathematics. We will touch on the topics of personal statements, CVs, transcripts, GREs, letters of recommendation, and more. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session with a faculty panel that have all been…

Roman Shvydkoy, University of Illinois, Chicago, Analytical perspectives on the emergence phenomena in systems of collective behavior

Systems governed by laws of self-organization arise in many different contexts including biology (swarming behavior of animals), social (opinion dynamics, social networks),  technological (cosmology, control, robotics), and others.  A particular challenge in studying such systems is to understand how local communication between "agents" gives rise to emergence of global collective behavior characterized by two basic phenomena -- alignment and flocking. In this…

John Nardini, NC State, The Topology of Data

SAS 2102

The 21st century has seen a boom in the production of data as well as methods to analyze data. One such methodology is Topological data analysis (TDA), where concepts from topology are used to infer the patterns underlying data sets. I will provide a basic and accessible introduction to persistent homology, a common type of TDA that is…

Maxim Bichuch, Johns Hopkins University, Robust XVA

We discuss the reasons for the introduction of Valuation Adjustments as a consequence of the financial crisis of 2007-9. We introduce an arbitrage-free framework for robust valuation adjustments. An investor trades a credit default swap portfolio with a defaultable counterparty. The investor does not know the expected rate of return of the counterparty bond, but…

Kornelia Bastin and Johnny Gillings Jr., NC State, News Methodologies and Predicting and Deterring Outbreaks of Malaria (INFORMS presentation)

Daniels 371

Kornelia Bastin, OR PhD Student People are faced with an overwhelming amount of news, only some of which comes from credible sources and is fact verified. The main idea behind this project is to address such issues. The scope of work includes creating an accessible and efficient method for members of the public to get…

Jordan Massad, Mathematics and Statistics at Sandia National Laboratories: A Perspective from an Engineering Scientist

Sandia National Laboratories is a federally funded research and development center that develops and applies science, technology, and engineering solutions for pressing national security challenges. Mathematics at all levels of rigor underpins every aspect of the work we do, and Sandians with academic degrees in applied mathematics impact a wide range of areas such as…

Yu-Min Chung, UNC Greensboro, Summaries of persistence diagrams and their applications to data science

Topological Data Analysis (TDA)  is a relatively young field in both algebraic topology and machine learning.   Tools from TDA, in particular persistent homology, have proven successful in many scientific disciplines.  Persistence diagrams, a typical way to study persistent homology, contain fruitful information about the underlying objects.  However, performing statistical methods directly on the space of persistence diagrams is…

Antonio De Rosa,Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, Elliptic integrands in variational problems

Elliptic integrands are used to model anisotropic energies in variational problems. These energies are employed in a variety of applications, such as crystal structures, capillarity problems and gravitational fields, to account for preferred inhomogeneous and directionally dependent configurations. After a brief introduction to variational problems involving elliptic integrands, I will present an overview of the…

Rachel Clipp and Matt Brown, SIAM Student Chapter Industry Series: Kitware Inc.

Riddick 339

Kitware researchers Dr. Rachel Clipp and Dr. Matt Brown will talk about their transition from academic research to R&D at a private company as well as some of their active projects. Kitware is a software research and development company with expertise in computer vision, data and analytics, high-performance computing and visualization, medical computing, and software…