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Mariana Olvera-Cravioto, UNC-Chapel Hill, Queues with Synchronization

Riddick 325

During this talk I will present a queuing model for database locking systems, where jobs represent user requests for simultaneous access to a set of files in a large database. While files are in use, their content can change, so to preserve consistency throughout the database files currently in use are locked, creating blocking and…

Rossana Capuani, NC State, Mean field games with state constraints

SAS 4201

This talk will address deterministic mean field games for which agents are restricted in a closed domain of R^n with smooth boundary. In this case, the existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibria cannot be deduced as for unrestricted state space because, for a large set of initial conditions, the uniqueness of solutions to the minimization…

Jason Elsinger, Florida Southern College, On the irreducible characters and representations of orbifold lattice vertex algebras

Given a positive-definite even lattice Q, one can construct a lattice vertex algebra V. An important problem in vertex algebra theory and conformal field theory is to classify the representations of the subalgebra of fixed points, known as an orbifold, corresponding to an isometry of the underlying lattice. Once the representations are known, one can calculate their characters to further…

Benjamin Hollering, NC State, The Monomial Model and Limits of Trees

In this talk I'll introduce a new random tree model that associates a family of probability distributions on binary trees to each binary tree shape. We'll then use this new model, convex geometry, and the combinatorics of multisets and trees to obtain a finite form of a deFinetti-type theorem for rooted binary trees. This talk…

Pedro Aceves Sanchez, NC State, Fractional diffusion limit of a linear kinetic transport equation in a bounded domain

SAS 4201

In recent years, the study of evolution equations featuring a fractional Laplacian has received much attention due to the fact that they have been successfully applied into the modelling of a wide variety of phenomena, ranging from biology, physics to finance. The stochastic process behind fractional operators is linked, in the whole space, to an…

Heekyoung Hahn , Duke, The Ramanujan congruences for partitions

SAS 2102

The remarkable Ramanujan’s congruences for the partition function p(n) will be presented. Here is Ramanujan’s own account: “I have proved a number of arithmetic properties of p(n) particular that p(5n+4)≡0 (mod 5), p(7n+5)≡0 (mod 7). ... I have since found another method which enables me to prove all of theses properties and a variety of…

Casey Dietrich, NC State, Forecasting and Mapping of Coastal Flooding during Hurricanes

SAS 4201

When a hurricane threatens North Carolina, researchers use computational models to predict how the ocean waters will rise, and what areas will be flooded.  Emergency managers rely on fast and accurate storm surge predictions from these models to make decisions and estimate damages during storm events.  These models use unstructured, finite-element meshes to describe the…

14th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium

McKimmon Center, Raleigh NC

The the 14th Annual NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium will be held in the Jane S. McKimmon Center on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. The poster session will be from 1:30pm to 4:00pm.  This year, there will be over 200 poster presentations representing research being conducted in 70 graduate programs from all colleges.  …

Charis Tsikkou, West Virginia University, Radial solutions to the Cauchy problem for the wave equation and compressible Euler system

SAS 4201

In the first part of this work, we consider the strategy of realizing the solution of the three-dimensional linear wave equation with radial Cauchy data as a limit of radial exterior solutions satisfying vanishing Neumann and Dirichlet conditions, on the exterior of vanishing balls centered at the origin. We insist on robust arguments based on energy methods and strong convergence. Our findings show that while one…

Sarah Yeakel, University of Maryland, Isovariant Homotopy Theory

Fixed point theory studies the extent to which fixed points of a self map of a space are intrinsic. In many mathematical settings, the existence of a solution can be rephrased in terms of the existence of a fixed point for an appropriate map, leading to applications across mathematics. Variations of fixed point problems have…

Irina Kogan, NC State, A story of two postulates

“I have traversed this bottomless night, which extinguished all light and joy of my life. I entreat you, leave the science of parallel alone”, wrote a Hungarian mathematician Farkas Bolyai to his son János, horrified at the thought that his son is attracted by the problem of parallels. János was not deterred, however, and discovered,…

Zev Woodstock, NC State, Proximal methods for optimization

SAS 1220

Convex optimization problems appear naturally across the sciences in fields such as compressed sensing, statistics, machine learning, image processing, and inverse problems. This talk will discuss the theory, applications, and methods of proximal minimization: a wide-reaching subset of convex optimization. Advantages: you do not need your optimization problem to be differentiable (e.g. minimization problems with l-1…