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Philippe Angot, Aix-Marseille Universite, Recent advances on vector penalty-projection methods for low-Mach multiphase flows with strong stresses and open boundary conditions

We discuss the efficiency of recent advances on the vector penalty-projection methods including the kinematic version which uses fast discrete Helmholtz-Hodge decompositions on edge-based generalized MAC-type unstructured meshes. These methods are especially designed for the computation of incompressible or low-Mach multiphase flows under strong constraints (large density or viscosity ratios, large surface tension) and with…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Michele Palladino, GSSI, Italy, Modeling the root growth: an optimal control approach

In this talk we will propose a new framework to model control systems in which a dynamic friction occurs. In particular, such a framework is motivated by the study of the movement of a robotic root tip in the soil. The model consists in a controlled differential inclusion with a dissipative, upper semi-continuous right hand…

Ice Cream Social

SAS 4104

There will an ice cream served before the meeting starting at 3:30PM in SAS 4104.

Mathematics Departmental Meeting

SAS 1102

Dean Chris McGahan will join us for the first 30 minutes of our meeting and will hold a Q&A session There will an ice cream served before the meeting starting at 3:30PM in SAS 4104

Introduction to SIAM

The SIAM student chapter will be hosting an introductory lecture aimed at Undergraduates and Graduate students on national SIAM events, SIAM resources, and upcoming student chapter events. Cookies and coffee will be provided.

Tye Lidman, NC State, Homology three-spheres and SU(2) representations

One way to effectively show a group is non-trivial is to find a non-trivial representation.  A major open question in low-dimensional topology is whether the fundamental group of a closed three-manifold other than S^3 has a non-trivial SU(2) representation, and this is a strategy for an alternate proof of the three-dimensional Poincare conjecture.  We will…

Quoc Tran-Dinh, UNC-Chapel Hill Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Smooth Structures in Convex Functions and Applications to Proximal-Based Methods

In this talk, we demonstrate one way of exploiting smooth structures hidden in convex functions to develop optimization algorithms. Our key idea is to generalize a powerful concept so-called "self-concordance" introduced by Y. Nesterov and A. Nemirovskii to a broader class of convex functions. We show that this structure covers many applications in statistics and machine learning. Then, we develop a…

Kirk Main, Let’s Talk IT: HPC Cluster

The High Powered Computing Cluster is a great resource available to all Mathematics staff, faculty, and graduate students. Unfortunately, it is underutilized due to the fairly technical use standards. In this presentation I will go over the basics, answer questions, and give examples on how to use this HPC resource effectively, and easily. Please join…

Undergrads Union Grads Meeting

The UUG program provides free mentoring for undergraduates in the math program here at NC State. We will hold several seminars and panels throughout the semester on subjects such as applying to REUs and applying to graduate schools. We also pair undergrads with graduate student mentors for individual mentoring on classes, research, and other things mathematical.…

Cynthia Vinzant, NC State, Solving Cubics with Paper and Turtles

SAS 2102

What is the mathematics behind origami? What can be achieved by just folding paper? We'll talk about the beautiful geometry underlying these questions and more, including a classical algorithm for solving polynomials with a turtle and more modern algorithm for solving cubic polynomials with a piece of paper. No background will be assumed and this…

Applying for Graduate Research Fellowships

Speaker:  Seth Sullivant This presentation will explain the ins and outs of applying for graduate research fellowships, with special emphasis on the NSF graduate research fellowship.

Corey Jones, Ohio State University, Vanishing of categorical obstructions for permutation orbifolds

Modular tensor categories are rich mathematical structures. They are important in the study of 2D conformal field theory, arising as categories of modules for rational vertex operator algebras. The orbifold construction A-> A^{G}  for a finite group G is a fundamental method for producing new theories from old. In the case the orbifold theory is also rational, the construction of…

Sherry Gong, UCLA, On the Kronheimer-Mrowka concordance invariant

We will talk about Kronheimer and Mrowka’s knot concordance invariant, $s^\sharp$. We compute the invariant for various knots. Our computations reveal some unexpected phenomena, including that $s^\sharp$ differs from Rasmussen's invariant $s$, and that it is not additive under connected sums. We also generalize the definition of $s^\sharp$ to links by giving a new characterization…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Kazufumi Ito, NC State, Optimal control of sate constrained PDEs system with Spars controls

In this talk we discuss a point-wise state constraint problem for a general class of PDEs optimal control problems and sparsity optimization. We use the penalty formulation and derive the necessary optimality condition based on the Lagrange multiplier theory.The existence of Lagrange multiplier associated with  the point-wise state constraint as a measure is established. Also we…

Mette Olufsen, NC State, How mathematical techniques can be used to better understand cardiovascular dynamics in health and disease

SAS 2102

Dating back to the 1600s modeling has been used to study cardiovascular dynamics enabling scientist to answer essential questions. In fact, todays knowledge that the cardiovascular system is circulating was first discovered via a mathematical model. In this talk I will discuss the role mathematical analysis has played in cardiovascular physiology and how we use…