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Troy Butler, University of Colorado Denver, Data Consistent Inversion: An Interactive Talk Using Jupyter Notebooks

(Brief Note: In this talk, we utilize Jupyter notebooks to re-create some of our published results in real-time and also build a "computational intuition" for the ideas presented. In this way, we are (mostly) transparent about all the computations involved in our work. I will email these materials to anyone interested after the presentation.) Models are useful for…

H.T. Banks, North Carolina State University, Population Models-The Prohorov Metric Framework and Aggregate Data Inverse Problems

SAS 4201

We consider nonparametric estimation of probability measures for parameters in problems where only aggregate (population level) data are available. We summarize an existing computational method for the estimation problem which has been developed over the past several decades. Theoretical results are presented which establish the existence and consistency of very general (ordinary, generalized and other)…

Randall LeVeque, University of Washington, Adjoint Error Estimation for Adaptive Refinement of Hyperbolic PDEs

SAS 1102

Time-dependent hyperbolic partial differential equations can be efficiently solved using adaptive mesh refinement, with a hierarchy of finer grid patches in regions where the solution is discontinuous or rapidly varying. These patches can be adjusted every few time steps to follow propagating waves. For many problems the primary interest is in tracking waves that reach…

Phillip Andreae, Meredith College, Infinite sums, infinite products, and million dollar prizes

SAS 2102

In calculus, we study series and learn how to add infinitely many numbers--but how about multiplying infinitely many numbers? In this talk, we'll start with familiar series from calculus, and then move on to study more exotic infinite sums and infinite products and the interactions between them. We'll see some number theory, complex analysis, and…

Adam Marcus, Princeton University, Ramanujan colorings

An important construction for (the information theoretic version of) semantic security is a "Biregular Irreducible Function" (BRI). These can be constructed from a complete biregular graph on $2^k d \times 2^k d$ by by coloring it with $2^k$ colors in such a way that each vertex has degree $d$ in each color. Good BRI's are…

Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics

Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC

Upcoming meeting: Saturday, March 30, 2019 Location: Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC Lecture Hall: Manchester 16 More information: Speakers: James Haglund, University of Pennsylvania Adam Marcus, Princeton University Jennifer Morse, University of Virginia Nathan Reading, North Carolina State University Registration and funding applications: To register and/or apply for funding, please fill out this form. If you have…

Kwangil Koh Lecture: Amie Wilkinson, Illuminating a Mathematical Landscape

SAS 2203

Turn on a light in the middle of a room: Is every spot illuminated? If the room is a complicated labyrinth, then probably not, but what if the walls of the room are mirrors? Amie Wilkinson of the University of Chicago will deliver the Department of Mathematics Kwangil Koh Lecture on Mathematics in Our Time through…

Alexander Kiselev, Duke University, Small scale formation in ideal fluids

SAS 4201

The incompressible Euler equation of fluid mechanics describes motion of ideal fluid, and was derived in 1755. In two dimensions, global regularity of solutions is known, and double exponential in time upper bound on growth of the derivatives of solution goes back to 1930s. I will describe a construction of example showing sharpness of this…