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Di Bucklad’s Retirement Celebration

SAS 4104

Di will be retiring June 1, 2019. Di has  almost twenty-seven years of service to the state and and almost exactly 19 years with the department. Please join us in celebrating her retirement.

SAMSI Seminars: The Industrial Mathematical & Statistical Modeling Workshop at NC State

SAS Hall Lobby

The IMSM workshop starts with a welcome reception at 5pm on Sunday, July 14, 2019 and ends at 8pm on July 24, 2019. Location: The IMSM workshop will held in SAS Hall on the campus of North Carolina State University. Objective: expose graduate students in mathematics, statistics, and computational science to challenging and exciting real-world…

Dr. Indranil SenGupta, North Dakota State University, A machine learning based improvement of the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model: analysis of crude oil price

A commonly used stochastic model for the derivative and commodity market analysis is the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard (BN-S) model. At first, an application of the BN-S model will be presented to find an optimal hedging strategy for the oil commodity from the Bakken, a new region of oil extraction that is benefiting from fracking technology.…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Angot Philippe, Aix-Marseille Université, Mathematical modeling and analysis towards the open problem of flow at a fluid-porous interface

We discuss mathematical modeling and analysis of the incompressible viscous flow at the interface of permeable media. Very recently, a simplified theory with asymptotic modeling and related approximations was extensively developed by to provide physically relevant jump interface conditions for the two- or three-dimensional non-inertial flow at the interface of a permeable medium. The results…

Irina Kogan, NC State, A Generalization of an Integrability Theorem of Darboux

SAS 4201

In his monograph “Systèmes Orthogonaux” (Leçons sur les systèmes orthogonaux et les coordonnées curvilignes, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1910), Darboux stated three theorems providing local existence and uniqueness of solutions to first order systems of PDEs, where for each unknown function a certain subset of partial derivatives is prescribed and the values of the unknown functions are prescribed along the corresponding transversal coordinate…

Philippe Angot, Aix-Marseille Universite, Recent advances on vector penalty-projection methods for low-Mach multiphase flows with strong stresses and open boundary conditions

We discuss the efficiency of recent advances on the vector penalty-projection methods including the kinematic version which uses fast discrete Helmholtz-Hodge decompositions on edge-based generalized MAC-type unstructured meshes. These methods are especially designed for the computation of incompressible or low-Mach multiphase flows under strong constraints (large density or viscosity ratios, large surface tension) and with…

Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Michele Palladino, GSSI, Italy, Modeling the root growth: an optimal control approach

In this talk we will propose a new framework to model control systems in which a dynamic friction occurs. In particular, such a framework is motivated by the study of the movement of a robotic root tip in the soil. The model consists in a controlled differential inclusion with a dissipative, upper semi-continuous right hand…

Ice Cream Social

SAS 4104

There will an ice cream served before the meeting starting at 3:30PM in SAS 4104.

Mathematics Departmental Meeting

SAS 1102

Dean Chris McGahan will join us for the first 30 minutes of our meeting and will hold a Q&A session There will an ice cream served before the meeting starting at 3:30PM in SAS 4104

Introduction to SIAM

The SIAM student chapter will be hosting an introductory lecture aimed at Undergraduates and Graduate students on national SIAM events, SIAM resources, and upcoming student chapter events. Cookies and coffee will be provided.

Tye Lidman, NC State, Homology three-spheres and SU(2) representations

One way to effectively show a group is non-trivial is to find a non-trivial representation.  A major open question in low-dimensional topology is whether the fundamental group of a closed three-manifold other than S^3 has a non-trivial SU(2) representation, and this is a strategy for an alternate proof of the three-dimensional Poincare conjecture.  We will…

Quoc Tran-Dinh, UNC-Chapel Hill Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Smooth Structures in Convex Functions and Applications to Proximal-Based Methods

In this talk, we demonstrate one way of exploiting smooth structures hidden in convex functions to develop optimization algorithms. Our key idea is to generalize a powerful concept so-called "self-concordance" introduced by Y. Nesterov and A. Nemirovskii to a broader class of convex functions. We show that this structure covers many applications in statistics and machine learning. Then, we develop a…

Kirk Main, Let’s Talk IT: HPC Cluster

The High Powered Computing Cluster is a great resource available to all Mathematics staff, faculty, and graduate students. Unfortunately, it is underutilized due to the fairly technical use standards. In this presentation I will go over the basics, answer questions, and give examples on how to use this HPC resource effectively, and easily. Please join…

Undergrads Union Grads Meeting

The UUG program provides free mentoring for undergraduates in the math program here at NC State. We will hold several seminars and panels throughout the semester on subjects such as applying to REUs and applying to graduate schools. We also pair undergrads with graduate student mentors for individual mentoring on classes, research, and other things mathematical.…