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The Fourth Duke Mathematical Journal Conference April 26-29, 2018

Duke University

The goal of this conference is to bring young mathematicians together, both as speakers and as participants. The talks will cover an array of subject areas that are well represented in the Duke Journal. There will be nine talks by young mathematicians. More information can be found at:

Faye Pasley, Molly Lynch, NC State

Speaker 1: Faye Pasley Title: Determinantal Representations, the Numerical Range, and Invariance We study hyperbolic polynomials with symmetry and express them as the determinant of a Hermitian matrix with special structure. By properly modifying a construction of Dixon (1902), we show for every hyperbolic polynomial of degree $n$ invariant under the cyclic group of order $n$ there…

Maggie Figueroa, Olivia Trogdon, Benjamin Wendt and Gautam Niagara, NC State, Honors Students Research Presentation

Maggie Figueroa   Title: Breaking Cryptography – the Discrete Log Problem   Abstract: The goal of cryptography is to allow ciphertext to be decoded only by the intended recipient. The privacy of the message relies heavily on the key used in the encryption function. Once a key is obtained, the decryption function follows easily. Cryptosystems such as…

Emily Barnard, Northeastern University, Graph Associahedra and the Poset of Maximal Tubings

SAS 4201

Given a graph G on n vertices, Postnikov defined a graph associahedron  P_G as an example of a generalized permutohedron, a polytope whose  normal fan coarsens the braid arrangement. Combinatorially, each face of  P_G corresponds to certain collections of compatible subgraphs of G called tubings. Graph associahedra were introduced independently by Carr  and Devadoss and…

Diversity and Inclusion Brown Bag Lunch

SAS 3282

For a reading this time, I suggest this interview with Rochelle Gutiérrez, which was just published in the Notices of the AMS this month, and which I have attached.  Juanita had suggested Professor Gutiérrez as a possible colloquium speaker, and I think that the interview makes an interesting read. Also, I will mention the Statistics…

Fall 2018 Mathematics Department Reception

SAS 4104

Starting at 3:30 PM, please join us in the Commons, SAS 4104, before tomorrow's Fall Department Meeting for NC State's own Howling Cow ice cream!

Tye Lidman, NC State, Spineless 4-manifolds

We construct smooth compact 4-manifolds homotopy equivalent to S^2 which do not contain nicely embedded spheres realizing the homotopy equivalence.

Fall 2018 Math Faculty Meeting

SAS 4201

This meeting is for the COS administration to meet and speak with the math faculty. Dean McGahan will start the discussion and will have a Q&A session at this meeting. Also, Debbie Carraway, COS Director of Information Technology, Meghan Kerr, COS Director of Research Administration, and Roy Baroff, NC State Faculty and Staff Ombudsman, will…

Weekly Brown Bag Lunch

SAS 4104

Join AWM as they host their weekly brown bag lunch in SAS 4104.

AWM Welcome Event

AWM is hosting a welcome event on Friday, Aug. 31st from 3 - 4:30 pm.  Please join us for an ice-breaker activity and snacks as we (hopefully) meet some new members.  Let new office or classmates know how fun we are and encourage them to come! Remember, AWM is not just for women rather we…

Curtis Porter, NC State, Spinning Black Holes and CR 3-Folds

Some physically significant solutions to Einstein's field equations are spacetimes which are foliated by a family of curves called a shear-free null geodesic congruence (SFNGC). Examples include models of gravitational waves that were recently detected, and rotating black holes. The properties of a SFNGC induce a CR structure on the 3-dimensional leaf space of the…

Sami Assaf, University of Southern California, Inversions for reduced words

SAS 4201

The number of inversions of a permutation is the number of pairs (i < j) for which w_i > w_j. This important statistic that arises in many contexts, including as the minimum number of simple transpositions needed to express the permutation and, equivalently, as the rank function for weak Bruhat order on the symmetric group.…

Devon Martin, Borosilicate and Fused-Silica Capillary Microelectrode Electrochemical Comparison and Micromanipulator Adaptor for Fused-Silica Capillary Microelectrodes

SAS 4201

Borosilicate glass is the material predominately used for encasing carbon fiber (CF) microelectrodes for fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) experiments. These capillaries insulate unexposed CF from the surrounding environment, while leaving a 150-200 um exposed CF tip in vivo that allows for electrochemical measurements of neurotransmitters. However, borosilicate glass commonly breaks during implantation; this can leave…