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Alpar Meszaros, UCLA, Mean Field Games and Master Equations

SAS 4201

The theory of Mean Field Games was invented roughly a decade ago simultaneously by Lasry-Lions on the one hand and Caines-Huang-Malhamé on the other hand. The aim of both groups was to study Nash equilibria of differential games with infinitely many players. In the first half of the talk, we will introduce some basic models…

Brown Bag Lunch

SAS 4104

Join us tomorrow Wednesday 1/23/19 from 12:00-1:00 in the math graduate lounge for our weekly brown bag lunch. As a reminder all are welcomed including undergraduate students! There will be goodies!

Brian Collier, University of Maryland, Higher Teichmüller spaces and Higgs bundles

SAS 4201

The Teichmüller space of a surface is a rich mathematical object which can be interpreted from many different perspectives. For example, Teichmüller space can be thought of as a moduli space of hyperbolic structures, Riemann surface structures, or representations of the fundamental group into PSL(2,R) which are discrete and faithful. The aim of higher Teichmüller…

Teng Fei, Columbia University, The Hull-Strominger system over Riemann surfaces

SAS 4201

The Hull-Strominger system is a system of nonlinear PDEs describing the geometry of compactification of heterotic strings with flux to 4d Minkowski spacetime, which can be regarded as a generalization of Ricci-flat Kahler metrics coupled with Hermitian Yang-Mills equation on non-Kahler Calabi-Yau 3-folds. In this talk, we present an explicit construction of smooth solutions to…

Travis Scrimshaw, University of Queensland, Towards a uniform model for higher level Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals

SAS 4201

Kirillov-Reshetikhin (KR) modules are a special class of finite-dimensional modules for affine Lie algebras that have deep connections with mathematical physics. One important aspect is that they are conjectured to have crystal bases, which is known except for affine type E and F (and its dual). One of the open problems in KR crystals is…

Yerkin Kitapbayev, MIT Sloan, Optimal investment strategies for power generation: the value of green energy

SAS 4201

This paper examines the investment in and the valuation of power generation projects under uncertainty. The analysis incorporates the possibility of producing from alternative types of fuels, such as renewables (wind) or fossil fuels (gas), hence alternative types of plants/technologies. The model considered in this paper cannot be reduced to a single state variable. It…

Huanchen Bao, University of Maryland, From Schur-Weyl duality to quantum symmetric pairs

SAS 4201

 The classical Schur-Weyl duality relates the representation theory of general linear Lie algebras and symmetric groups. Drinfeld and Jimbo independently introduced quantum groups  in their study of exactly solvable models, which leads to a quantization of the Schur duality relating quantum groups of general linear Lie algebras and Hecke algebras of symmetric groups. In this…

An Introduction to Data Manipulation in R Studio

Cox 306

This semester the Biomathematics GSA will be hosting student led tutorials on a variety of topics. The goal of these tutorials is to help graduate students develop computational tools. This week will cover data manipulation using R Studio. If you are interested in participating please bring a laptop with the necessary software (R and R…

Brown Bag Lunch

SAS 4104

Join us tomorrow Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00 in the math graduate lounge for our weekly brown bag lunch. As a reminder all are welcomed including undergraduate students!

Dustin Leninger, An Introduction to Spectral Sequences

SAS 2201

I will describe a homological algebra construction which is fundamental in algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, and related areas: the spectral sequence. Originally developed by Jean Leray in the 1940s, a spectral sequence is a simultaneous higher-dimensional generalization of homology and long exact sequences. I will discuss a few examples of spectral sequences and their applications.