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Saúl Blanco Rodríguez, Indiana University, Cycles in the pancake and burnt pancake graph

SAS 4201

The pancake graph has the elements of the symmetric group as vertices and there is an edge between two permutations if there is a prefix reversal that transforms one permutation into the other. One can similarly define the burnt pancake graph using signed permutations instead of permutations. Since these graphs are Cayley graphs, they have several interesting properties such as being regular and…

Konstantina Trivisa, University of Maryland, College Park, On the dynamics of compressible flows: variational solutions, invariant measures, martingale solutions

SAS 4201

In this talk I’ll describe an overview of results on the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous compressible flows both in the deterministic and stochastic frame- work. A contrast will be drawn between the one-dimensional flows and the multidimensional case. In the case of 1d isentropic compressible flow, the existence of invariant mea- sures will be established…

Ryan Murray, Pennsylvania State University, An introduction to singular perturbations in the calculus of variations

SAS 4201

Many contemporary problems in the calculus of variations involve describing the limit of singular perturbations of variational problems. These problems arise naturally in a number of fields, for example in materials science (phase transition problems) and mathematical statistics (regularized empirical risk minimization). This talk will give an introduction to these problems, their applications, and recent work…

Mohammad Farazmand, MIT, Extreme Events: Dynamics, Prediction and Mitigation

SAS 4201

A wide range of natural and engineering systems exhibit extreme events; i.e., spontaneous intermittent behavior manifested through sporadic bursts in the time series of their observables. Examples include ocean rogue waves, intermittency in turbulence, extreme weather patterns and epileptic seizure. Because of their undesirable impact on the system or the surrounding environment, the real-time prediction and mitigation of extreme events is of great interest.…

Anne Shiu, Texas A&M, Dynamics of biochemical reaction systems

SAS 4201

Reaction networks taken with mass-action kinetics arise in many settings, from epidemiology to population biology to systems of chemical reactions. This talk focuses on certain biological signaling networks, namely, phosphorylation networks, and their resulting dynamical systems. For many of these systems, the set of steady states admits a rational parametrization (that is, the set is the image of a map…

Mark Iwen, Michigan State University, Sparse Fourier Transforms, Generalizations, and Extensions

SAS 4201

Compressive sensing has generated tremendous amounts of interest since first being proposed by Emmanuel Candes, David Donoho, Terry Tao, and others roughly a decade ago.  This mathematical framework has its origins in (i) the observation that traditional signal processing applications, such as MRI imaging problems, often deal with the acquisition of signals which are known…

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin, University of Maryland, Critical scales for the regularity of advection equations and applications to compressible fluid mechanics

This talk will present recent works to identify the critical scales at which regularity is propagated by advection equations with rough, i.e. non-smooth, velocity fields. After reviewing the classical theory of renormalized solutions which provides qualitative arguments of regularity and well-posedness, more recent quantitative approaches will be discussed. Our goal is to use this framework…

Weekly Brown Bag Lunch

SAS 4104

Join us tomorrow Wednesday 1/16/19 from 12:00-1:00 in the math graduate lounge for our first weekly brown bag lunch of the semester. As a reminder all are welcomed including undergraduate students! There will be goodies!

Khrystyna Serhiyenko, University of California at Berkeley, Cluster structures in Grassmannian and Schubert varieties

SAS 4201

Cluster algebras are commutative rings defined by a set of generators and relations and equipped with a rich combinatorial structure.   It turns out that coordinate rings of many important varieties from Lie theory are cluster algebras.   In this talk, we will discuss cluster structures in open Schubert varieties of the Grassmannian and their…