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Let’s Talk IT: WordPress

SAS 4201

Effective webpages are an increasingly important medium for disseminating information related to classes and research. For TAs, they provide a critical way to share material with your class whereas for those entering the job market, they are often checked by potential employers interested in obtaining more information about candidates. Hence it is important to construct…

Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics

SAS 1102

The Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics is a series of combinatorial workshops held each semester on a Saturday in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina, funded by the National Science Foundation.  The workshop this spring, the 15th installment of the Triangle Lectures in Combinatorics (TLC), will be hosted by North Carolina State University in Raleigh,…

Karola Mészáros, Cornell University, Product formulas for volumes of flow polytopes

SAS 4201

The flow polytope associated to an acyclic graph is the set of all nonnegative flows on the edges of the graph with a fixed netflow at each vertex. We will examine flow polytopes arising from permutation matrices, alternating sign matrices and Tesler matrices. Our inspiration is the Chan-Robins-Yuen polytope (a face of the polytope of…

Yingwei Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Introduction to Muntz Polynomial Approximation

SAS 4201

In general, solutions to the Laplacian equation enjoy relatively high smoothness. However, they can exhibit singular behaviors at domain corners or points where boundary conditions change type. In this talk, I will focus on the mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions for Laplacian equation, and discuss how singularities in this case adversely affect the accuracy and convergence…

Robin Koytcheff, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Graph complexes, formality, and configuration space integrals for braids

SAS 4201

In joint work with Rafal Komendarczyk and Ismar Volic, we study the space of braids, that is, the loopspace of the configuration space of points in a Euclidean space.  We relate two different integration-based approaches to its cohomology, both encoded by complexes of graphs.  On the one hand, we can restrict configuration space integrals for…

Shaina Race, NC State, SIAM Student Chapter Data Science Lecture Series: Central Themes: Summarizing Text Using Network Centrality

Mann 216

One of the primary goals of text mining is to group together, organize and summarize textual information. In social network analysis, we typically tie individuals together through social connections — can we connect documents and their contents in a similar fashion?  What can social network analysis tell us about the content of a document or…

Peter J. Olver, University of Minnesota, Fractalization and Quantization in Dispersive Systems and Lamb Oscillators

SAS 4201

The evolution, through spatially periodic linear dispersion, of rough initial data leads to surprising quantized structures at rational times, and fractal, non-differentiable profiles at irrational times.  Such phenomena, also known as the Talbot effect, have been observed in dispersive waves, optics, and quantum mechanics, and lead to intriguing connections with exponential sums arising in number…

Raymond Yat Tin, UCLA, An algorithm for overcoming the curse of dimensionality in Hamilton-Jacobi equations

SAS 4201

In this talk we discuss an algorithm to overcome the curse of dimensionality, in possibly non-convex/time/state-dependent Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations.  They may arise from optimal control and differential game problems, and are generally difficult to solve numerically in high dimensions. A major contribution of our works is to consider an optimization problem over a single…

Mingchao Cai, Morgan State University, Some Fast Solvers for Poroelastic Models

SAS 4201

Poroelastic models have been widely used in Biomechanics. For example, modeling brain edema and cancellous bones. We aim at solving the Biot model under the MAC Finite Difference discretization and the stabilized finite element discretizations. To solve the resulting saddle point linear systems, some iterative methods are proposed and compared. In these methods, the outer iteration solver can be the GMRES…

Andrew Cooper, NC State, Simplicial Configuration Spaces and Chromatic Homology

SAS 4201

The configuration space of some $n$ points in a space $X$ is a well-studied object in topology, geometry, and combinatorics. We present a generalization, the simplicial configuration space $M(S,X)$, which takes as its data a simplicial complex $S$ on $n$ points. In this talk, we will describe how $M(S,X)$ gives rise to polynomial and homological invariants of…

Lisa Fauci, Tulane University, Confined helical swimmers and coupled oscillators: two studies in elastohydrodynamics

SAS 1102

Through the actuation of elastic filaments, microorganisms can move through a viscous fluid or generate a flow within a complex environment. In this talk, we will focus on simple models of two such systems. First, as a step towards understanding the chemotactic behavior of bacteria within micropores, we consider a single elastic helical flagellum confined…

NC State’s 7th Annual Sonia Kovalevsky Day

SAS Hall Lobby

Any 7th or 8th grade girl interested in math Saturday, April 7, 2018 | 10:00am – 3:00pm SAS Hall at NC State University RSVP: Space is limited!  Please reserve your spot by April 2nd by emailing graduate student Katherine Harris at Please include any dietary allergies/restrictions in your email.   PDF

Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin, University of Maryland, College Park, Quantitative estimates of propagation of chaos for many-particle systems with bounded stream functions

SAS 4201

We derive quantitative estimates proving the propagation of chaos for large stochastic systems of interacting particles. We obtain explicit bounds on the relative entropy between the joint law of the particles and the tensorized law at the limit. We have to develop for this new laws of large numbers at the exponential scale. But our…

Katherine Raoux, Michigan State University, τ-invariants for knots in rational homology spheres

SAS 4201

Using the knot filtration on the Heegaard Floer chain complex, Ozsváth and Szabó defined an invariant of knots in the three sphere called τ(K) and showed that it is a lower bound for the 4-ball genus. Generalizing their construction, I will show that for a (not necessarily null-homologous) knot, K, in a rational homology sphere, Y, we obtain…

Tom Witelski, Duke University, Dynamics of non-conservative fluid thin films

SAS 4201

The behavior of thin layers of viscous fluids coating solid surfaces is of importance in many industrial and natural applications. Interfacial instabilities and pattern formation can occur in films on water-repellent (also called hydrophobic or partially wetting) surfaces. Lubrication models asymptotically reduce the governing equations for the free-surface flow to a fourth-order nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation for the evolution…