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Georg Stadler, Sparsity meets optimal control of PDEs

SAS 4201

I will discuss formulations and algorithms for computing sparse optimal controls in systems governed by PDEs. These sparse solutions can guide the placement of control devices in applications.  After reviewing results for elliptic and parabolic PDEs, I will focus on recent work on sparse optimal control governed by linear PDEs with uncertain coefficients. Here, we aim at finding stochastic controls that…

Ricky Liu, NC State, Zero-knowledge proofs

Suppose you want to convince someone that you know the solution to a problem, but you don’t want them to learn any- thing about the solution. How can you do it? Such a protocol is called a zero-knowledge proof. In this talk, we’ll define what it means to be a zero-knowledge proof, show several ex-…

Harm Derksen, University of Michigan, Matrix Invariants and Complexity

SAS 4201

We consider the action of the group SL_n x SL_n on the space of m-tuples of n x n matrices by simultaneous left-right multiplication. Visu Makam and the speaker recently proved that invariants of degree at most mn^4 generate the invariant ring. This result has interesting applications in algebraic complexity theory and is related to the notion of non-commutative rank.…

Tao Pang, NC State, Some Topics on Financial Mathematics

SAS 1102

Several topics will be presented in this talk. In the first part, we consider some portfolio optimization problems with stochastic dividends, stochastic volatility or delays. The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations are derived, which are second order nonlinear PDEs. We then establish the existence results of the HJB equations and prove the verification theorems. In the second…

Grey Ballard, Wake Forest University, Tensor Decompositions for Multidimensional Data Analysis

SAS 4201

An increasing number of scientific and enterprise data sets are multidimensional, where data is gathered for every configuration of three or more parameters. For example, physical simulations often track a set of variables in two or three spatial dimensions over time, yielding 4D or 5D data sets. Tensor decompositions are structured representations of multidimensional data…

Allison Miller, UT Austin, Winding number of satellite operators and concordance

SAS 4201

Historically, the study of the collection of concordance classes of knots has focused on understanding its group structure while devoting relatively little attention to the natural metric induced by the 4-genus. Cochran and Harvey investigated the metric properties of the maps on concordance induced by satellite operators, asking when two patterns P and Q are of bounded distance in their…

Michael Ruddy, NC State, What is Inquiry-Based Learning?

SAS 1102

There is an increased interest in alternatives to the traditional lecture-based instruction in math courses. Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) is a teaching philosophy that challenges students to think more like mathematicians by posing questions rather than presenting established facts. In this talk, I will start by introducing some of the core tenets of IBL. I will…

Cynthia Vincent, NC State, Convex sets and the geometry of numbers

Quite a large polygon can squeeze between the integer points in the plane, but what if it has to be symmetric  bout the origin (and avoid all other integer points)? In this talk, I’ll discuss Minkowski’s theorem, which bounds the area of such shapes, and a surprising consequence for the problem of writing integers as sums of squares of other…

Seth Sullivant, NC State, Algebraic Statistical Models in Phylogenetics

SAS 4201

Phylogenetics is the branch of mathematical biology concerned with constructing evolutionary relationships between collections of species.  These lectures will introduce these models, in particular emphasizing the ways that algebraic statistics can be used to analyze properties of the models.  Viewed from the perspective of algebraic statistics, the corresponding algebraic varieties that arise are often familiar…

Nathan Reading, NC State, To scatter or to cluster?

SAS 4201

Scattering diagrams arose in the algebraic-geometric theory of mirror symmetry. Recently, Gross, Hacking, Keel, and Kontsevich applied scattering diagrams to prove many longstanding conjectures about cluster algebras. Scattering diagrams are certain collections of codimension-1 cones, each weighted with a formal power series. In this talk, I will introduce cluster scattering diagrams and their connection to cluster algebras, focusing on rank-2 (i.e.…

John Lowengrub, University of California, Irvine, BioDDFT: A hybrid continuum-discrete mechanical collective cell model

SAS 4201

The regulation of cell division, cell sizes and cell arrangements is central to tissue morphogenesis. To study these processes, we develop a mechanistic hybrid continuum-discrete mathematical model of cell dynamics that has advantages over previous approaches. This model borrows ideas from statistical physics, materials science and applied mathematics and follows the framework of dynamic density…

Wilkins Aquino, Duke University, A Locally Adapted Reduced Basis Method for Solving Risk-Averse PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems

SAS 4201

The numerical solution of large-scale risk-averse PDE-constrained optimization problems requires substantial computational effort due to the discretization in physical and stochastic dimensions. Managing the cost is essential to tackle such problems with high dimensional uncertainties. In this work, we combine an inexact trust-region (TR) algorithm from with a local, reduced basis (RB) approximation to efficiently solve risk-averse optimization problems…

Jennifer Hom, Georgia Tech, Heegaard Floer and homology cobordism

SAS 4201

We study applications of Heegaard Floer homology to homology cobordism. In particular, to a homology sphere Y, we associate a module HF_conn(Y), called the connected Heegaard Floer homology of Y, and show that this module is invariant under homology cobordism and isomorphic to a summand of HF_red(Y). The definition of this invariant relies on involutive…

Elmas Irmak, University of Michigan, Simplicial Maps of Complexes of Curves and Mapping Class Groups of Surfaces

SAS 4201

I will talk about recent developments on simplicial maps of complexes of curves on both orientable and nonorientable surfaces. I will also talk about joint work with Prof. Luis Paris. We prove that on a compact, connected, nonorientable surface of genus at least 5, any superinjective simplicial map from the two-sided curve complex to itself is induced…

Daniel Bernstein, NC State, Unimodular hierarchical models

The Zariski closure of a discrete log-linear statistical model is a toric variety. In the last twenty years, this fact has lead not only to the development of useful algorithms for working with data, but developments in algebraic geometry and combinatorics as well. I will discuss a particular subset of the discrete log-linear models known…