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Davis Atkinson, Graham Pash, and Jaye Sudweeks, Modeling the New Jersey Turnpike in 99 Hours

“When am I going to use this?”      It’s a question every student has asked at least once. The Modeling Contest in Mathematics (MCM), held annually by COMAP, provides a way for undergraduates to apply the knowledge gained from classes to real world problems. Each year, COMAP presents six interesting prompts on anything ranging…

Hamid Krim, SIAM Student Chapter Data Science Lecture Series: Convexity, Sparsity, Nullity and all that in Machine Learning

Daniels 322

High dimensional data exhibit distinct properties compared to its low dimensional counterpart; this causes a common performance decrease and a formidable computational cost increase of traditional approaches. Novel methodologies are therefore needed to characterize data in high dimensional spaces. Considering the parsimonious degrees of freedom of high dimensional data compared to its dimensionality, we study…

Math Doesn’t Bug Me

11 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC, 27601, United States

Discover the beauty of mathematics and its wide applicability in everyday life. Enjoy math games and poster presentations, and interact with NCSU mathematicians  

Leonardo Mihalcea, Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes for Schubert cells: geometry and representation theory

SAS 4201

A compact manifold has a tangent bundle, and a natural question is to find a replacement for the Chern classes of the tangent bundle, in the case when the space is singular. The Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson (CSM) classes are homology classes which ``behave like" the Chern classes of the tangent bundle, and are determined by a functoriality…

Shu-Cherng Fang, NC State ISE, Linear Reformulation of Polynomial Discrete Programming for Fast Computation

SAS 4201

Optimization models involving a polynomial objective function and multiple polynomial constraints with discrete variables are often encountered in engineering, management and systems. Treating the non-convex cross-product terms is the key. State-of- the-art methods usually convert such a problem into a 0-1 mixed integer linear programming problem, and, then adopt a branch-and- bound scheme to find…

Erdal Imamoglu, NC State, Algorithms for Solving Linear Differential Equations with Rational Function Coefficients

SAS 4201

We present two algorithms for computing hypergeometric solutions of a second order linear differential equation with rational function coefficients. Our first algorithm uses quotients of formal solutions, modular reduction, Hensel lifting, and rational reconstruction. Our second algorithm first tries to simplify the input differential equation using integral bases and then uses quotients of formal solutions.

What Is?

Juanita Pinzon-Caicedo, NC State, Crunched Charms: A Short Intro to Knot Theory

Knot theory is the subarea of topology that studies math- ematical knots or different ways of placing a circle inside 3- dimensional space. Proving that two knots are distinct (or equivalent) is the main problem knot theorists deal with. In the talk, we will discuss methods used to distinguish knots. For a simple introduction click…

Amy Ward, University of Southern California, Scheduling in a Many-Server, Multi-Class System: The Impact of the Customer Patience Distribution

Withers 232A

The study of scheduling problems has a long history in the academic literature.  However, many classic models used to study scheduling problems do not incorporate customer impatience.  Furthermore, many of the ones that do assume the time a customer is willing to wait for service is exponentially distributed.  The issue is that that assumption can…

Math Department Picnic

Pullen Park, Shelter #4 Raleigh

The department provides hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers, buns, fixings, utensils, etc.  We will send out an invitation and  sign up sheet for volunteering to help-out or bring drinks, desserts, side dishes, etc. in the first or second week of September.

Heekyoung Hahn, Duke University, Langlands’ beyond endoscopy proposal and related questions on algebraic groups and combinatorics

SAS 4201

Langlands' beyond endoscopy proposal for establishing functoriality motivates the study of irreducible subgroups of $\mathrm{GL}_n$ that stabilize a line in a given representation of $\mathrm{GL}_n$. Such subgroups are said to be detected by the representation. In this talk we present a family of results when the subgroup is a classical group in the important special…

Sung Ha Kang, Georgia Tech, Variational image processing and computational challenges

SAS 4201

Starting with an introduction to variational/PDE based image processing, this talk will focus on new developments of fast algorithms for higher order variational imaging models.  For example, recent developments of fast algorithms, based on operator splitting, augmented Lagrangian, and alternating minimization, enabled us to revisit some of the variational image models, such as Euler's Elastica…

Chris Tralie, Duke University, From Musical Rhythms To Vibrating Vocal Folds: Geometric (Quasi)Periodicity Quantification in Multimedia Time Series

SAS 4201

A large variety of multimedia data inference problems require analysis of repeated structures.  In audio, for instance, the rhythm, or ``pulse'' of the music, occurs in a periodic pattern, and understanding this pattern is an important preprocessing step in music information retrieval.  In medical video analysis, there is interest in determining heart pulse rate in…

Kristen Boyle, NC State, On derivations of Leibniz algebras

Leibniz algebras are a generalization of Lie algebras. In this talk I will discuss some results on characteristic ideals, which are analogs of known results from Lie algebra. I will use these results to prove that the radical of a Leibniz algebra is a characteristic ideal. We will also explore the derivation algebra of cyclic…

Garrett Nieddu, Montclair State University, Rare Events in Stochastic Population Models

Cox 306

Noise can play a critical role in a wide array of physical and biological dynamical systems. The noise may be internal or external to the system. Internal noise is intrinsic to the system itself, and in stochastic population models, arises due to the random interactions of discrete agents in the system. On the other hand,…

Joshua Hallam, Wake Forest University, Whitney duals of graded partially ordered sets

SAS 4201

To each graded poset one can associate two sequences of numbers; the Whitney numbers of the first kind and the Whitney numbers of the second kind. One sequence keeps track of the Möbius function at each rank level and other keeps track of the number of elements at each rank level. We say two posets…