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Calendar of Events

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Geometry and Topology Seminar: Joonas Ilmavirta, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Inverse problems with neutrinos


Differential Equations Seminar: Paul Manns, TU Dortmund, Germany, On total variation regularization for PDE-constrained optimization with integer controls

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SIAM Bootcamp Series #2 – MATLAB


Numerical Analysis Seminar: Brendan Keith, Brown University, Adaptive sampling for constrained optimization under uncertainty


Biomath Seminar: Justen Geddes, NC State, Modeling and Data Analysis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

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Geometry and Topology Seminar: Yaoye Hong, NC State, ECE Department, Programmable morphologies of kirigami sheets and applications.


Differential Equations/Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Michael Malisoff, LSU, Event-Triggered Control Using a Positive Systems Approach

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Teaching and Learning Seminar: Molly Fenn, Bevin Maultsby, Stepan Paul, NC State, Exam Writing Panel

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Graduate Training Seminar: Seth Sullivant, NC State, Applying for Graduate Research Fellowships

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Applied Math Graduate Student Seminar: Introductory and Organizational Meeting

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SIAM Bootcamp Series #2 – MATLAB


Numerical Analysis Seminar: Jamie Haddock, Harvey Mudd College, Connections between Iterative Methods for Linear Systems and Consensus Dynamics on Networks


Biomath Seminar: Zixuan Cang, NC State, Spatiotemporal analysis of single-cell and spatial genomics data

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Geometry and Topology Seminar: Ian Zemke, Princeton, Bordered aspects of the Heegaard Floer surgery formulas


Differential Equations/Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Maria Teresa Chiri, Queen’s University, Controlling the spread of invasive biological species

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Applied Math Graduate Student Seminar: William Anderson, NC State, Efficient computation of reduced-order nonlinear solutions for PDEs


Pure Math Grad Student Seminar: Emily McGovern, NC State, Module categories for \text{Tilt}(SL_{2k+1}) from \tilde{A}_{n-1}-buildings

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Numerical Analysis Seminar: Themis Sapsis, MIT, Likelihood-weighted active learning with application to Bayesian optimization, uncertainty quantification, and decision making in high dimensions


Biomath Seminar: Dr. Archana Timsina and Evan Curcio, NC State, Identifiability and optimal control analysis of HIV infection and opioid addiction model / How do tension ratios determine morphometry in physical models of notochord cell packing?

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Geometry and Topology Seminar: Jiahua Zou, Brown University, Free boundary minimal surfaces in the Euclidean three-ball close to boundary


Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Jianping Pan, NC State, A bijection between K-Kohnert diagrams and reverse set-valued tableaux


Differential Equations/Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Ryan Murray, NC State, Adversarially robust classification, non-local perimeters, and geometric flows

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2 events,


Applied Math Graduate Student Seminar: Abhijit Chowdhary, NC State, Computing Eigenvalue Sensitivities for Sensitivity Analysis of the Information Gain in Bayesian Linear Inverse Problems


Pure Math Graduate Student Seminar: Andrew Shedlock, NC State, Gromov-Hausdorff Distance: A Metric on the Space of Metric Spaces

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Numerical Analysis Seminar: Wuchen Li, University of South Carolina, Mean-Field Games for Scalable Computation and Diverse Applications

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Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar: Nicholas Russoniello, Willam & Mary,

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Teaching and Learning Seminar: Laura Colmenarejo, NC State, Learning and teaching through gestures

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