Information for Advisors of Math Students – NOT PUBLISHED
Information for Advisors of Math Students
Study abroad advise for faculty and advisors:
- Applied Electives for the AMA Major
- Automated Degree Audit (ADA)
- Academic Progress Reports Online
- Locating information about a student
- Class roll access
- Plan of Work — (new in spring 2003)
- AMA Guidelines
- Beginning of semester reminders (Provost)
- What you are supposed to help students with (NCSU Policy)
- NCSU Virtual Advisor
- Student Learning Handbook
- Handbook for Advising and Teaching
- Responsibilites of an Academic Advisor
- Syllabus Regulation
- Advising Ideas (when meeting with your advisee)
- Late Grade Change Policy (HAT)
Applied electives are something you and your advisee reach agreement on.
Samples. Once you and your student agree on courses that belong in the Applied Electives section of their ADA , send an email message (or send a signed hardcopy of the list) to the Director of Undergraduate Mathematics Programs . Sample message: “Move (__courses___) to GRP 050, Applied Electives, for (__name of student__), ssn ___” Automated Degree Audit (ADA)
What: This tool provides information about courses remaining in the student’s chosen curriculum to complete the degree How:
- In your browser, click on the Faculty Access button at Registration & Records Administrative Services
- Use your Unity Account to log in
- Click on Advisor Options
- Click on Advisee Information
- Highlight the advisee’s name in the Advisees list
- Click the button next to View Student’s Degree Audit
- Click on Submit
Errors in the ADA: If you (or your advisee) discover an error in the ADA (they are common) please either
- Paperless approach (preferred)
- Your or your advisee send the Director of the Undergraduate Program an email message including
- advisee’s name and ID
- how to contact advisee (email preferred)
- details of mistake. Example: ARC 141 is in the ADA as a Free Elective. Please put it into GRP909 under HUM & SOC SCI
- Your or your advisee send the Director of the Undergraduate Program an email message including
- Hardcopy approach:
- Print the ADA and mark the class where you (or your advisee) thinks it belongs.
- Write the advisee’s ID at the top of the page
- Include how to contact advisee (email preferred)
What: This tool provides information about courses remaining in the student’s chosen curriculum to complete the degree and courses the student proposes to take in future semester . Please use it as a planning tool to view your advisees’ plan to complete their degree (but it is suggested that you defer approval of plans ).
A tutorial on the Plan of Work is available.
Known Problems: No error checking is performed. The student’s schedule (plan) can include
- classes that are not offered during the planned semester
- classes that conflict with each other
- classes for which the pre-requisites are not satsified
For these (and other reasons), you are asked to please defer plan approval to the Coordinator of Advising. Individual advisors are asked to wait until more of the bugs in the software are worked out. The Coordinator of Advising will check all plans submitted for approval during Spring 2003. How to access: (there are several ways to access a student’s Plan of Work — here is one way to get to it).
- In your browser, click on the Faculty Access button at Reg & Records Administrative Services
- Use your Unity Account to log in
- Click on Advisor Options
- Click on Advisee Information
- Highlight the advisee’s name in the Advisees list
- Click the button next to View Student’s Degree Audit
- Click on Submit
- For the tutorial, click on the word HERE .
- To view the plan, click on Plan of Work .
More information:
- NCSU Regulation 205.00.20 . Describes the new NCSU Progress Towards Degree policy.
- Instructions for the students are available.
Progress Reports Online (including Academic Difficulty Reports)
Purpose: As a mechanism to communicate information about students performance to students and their advisors.
- You submit progress reports to students who are doing exceptionally poorly in your class. You may also submit a progress report for a student who is doing exceptionally well.
- You check the progress reports of your advisees.
Deadline: There is no deadline for submission of reports, however, it is good to inform students of problems before the drop deadline (see the Registration Calendar for the date).
Submission Instructions : To submit Academic Progress Reports, including Academic Difficulty Reports, via your web browser,
- In your browser, click on the Faculty Access button at Reg & Records Administrative Services
- Use your Unity Account to log in
- Click on Academic Progress Reports
- Click on Submit Reports
How to Check : To check Academic Progress Reports submitted about your advisees:
- In your browser, click on the Faculty Access button at Reg & Records Administrative Services
- Use your Unity Account to log in
- Click on Advisor Options
- Click on Progress Reports
- Click on Submit
Comments: (14 October 2002). The hardcopy Academic Difficulty Report will no longer be used. The web page related to this regulation ( click here) is not accurate. The NCSU recommendation is to provide information before the 6-week drop deadline ( click here ). Locating information about a student
- PIN number
- Transcript
- In your browser, click on the Faculty button at Registration & Records Administrative Services
- Use your Unity Account to log in
- Click on Advisor Options
- Click on Advisee List
- Put check-marks next to the various items by clicking next to the information you are seeking
- Click on Submit
What: Find the class roll for courses you are scheduled to teach. Send email to your class. How:
- In your browser, click on the Faculty Access button at Registration & Records Administrative Services
- Use your Unity Account to log in
- Click on Class Rolls
- Highlight your course in the Course Sections window
- Click the button for either roll or email
Problems: If you are not able to access your class roll, contact the Math Department’s Scheduling Officer, Carolyn Gunton