CMA Courses in Computational Mathematics, Computer Science and Applied Computation
Computational Mathematics Courses
- Computer Algebra (MA 522)
- Computer Experiments in Mathematical Probability (MA 544)
- Introduction to parallel Computing (MA 583)
- Numerical Ordinary Differential Equations (MA 785)
- Finite Difference Methods (MA 584)
- Finite Element Methods (MA 587)
- Numerical Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (MA 788)
- Advanced Numerical Linear Algebra (MA 782)
- Parallel Algorithms and Scientific Computing ( MA 783)
- Nonlinear Equations and Optimization (MA 784)
Computer Science Courses
- Fundamentals of Computer Science (CSC 489)
- Design of Operating Systems (CSC 501)
- Design of Algorithms (CSC 505)
- Architecture of Parallel Computers (CSC 506)
- C, UNIX (CSC 471 or CE 537)
- Compilers (CSC 512)
Examples of Applied Computational Courses
- Orbital Mechanics (MA/PY576)
- Large Scale Power Systems (ECE 753)
- Parallel Processing (ECE 748)
- Nuclear Reactor Design (NE 751)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (MAE 560, 766)
- Numerical Weather Prediction (MEA 716)
Other courses may be acceptable, subject to approval by the student’s advisory committee.