Tim Kelley
I entered phased retirement on July 1, 2021. My title is (and I am not making this up) “named professor emeritus”, which is the best NCSU could come up with.
I will be in SAS hall 3–4 days/week when I’m in town until NCSU evicts me from SAS 3234 on July 1, 2025.
My remaining phased retirement projects include one book and one DOE grant.
I will not agree to serve on any new student committees unless the student is part of the CEMeNT project.
PhD Applied Mathematics Purdue University 1976
BA Mathematics Vanderbilt University 1973
High School Diploma Grades 1-12 Western Kentucky Teacher Training School 1969
Area(s) of Expertise
Nonlinear equations, multilevel methods, large-scale and multi-model optimization, flow in porous media, nano-scale electronics and sensing, radiative and neutron transfer, optimal control, integral equations, partial differential equations, computational chemistry.
- Mitigating Spatial Error in the Iterative Quasi-Monte Carlo (iQMC) Method for Neutron Transport Simulations with Linear Discontinuous Source Tilting and Effective Scattering and Fission Rate Tallies , NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (2024)
- MultiPrecisionArrays.jl: A Julia package for iterative refinement , Journal of Open Source Software (2024)
- A Quasi-Monte Carlo Method With Krylov Linear Solvers for Multigroup Neutron Transport Simulations , NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (2023)
- Adaptive basis sets for practical quantum computing , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY (2023)
- Newton's method in three precisions , Pacific Journal of Optimization (2023)
- Newton's Method in Mixed Precision , SIAM REVIEW (2022)
- Efficient Approximation of Potential Energy Surfaces with Mixed-Basis Interpolation , JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION (2021)
- Interpolation Methods for Molecular Potential Energy Surface Construction , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A (2021)
- Reduced-dimensional surface hopping with offline-online computations , PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS (2021)
The project will perform fundamental research in developing computational methods and tools for dynamic Monte Carlo (MC) neutron transport simulations on exascale class computer architectures. The NC State research team will perform studies on hybrid deterministic-MC and multi-level computational methods. The expected results of this research will form the background for development of efficient numerical methods and tools for time-dependent neutron transport problems and will be used to determine the next step in this direction. The results will be delivered as technical reports and papers published in technical journals and proceedings of major technical conferences. The project will educate two Ph.D. students
The PI will continue his research program in the design, implementation, analysis, and application of novel numerical methods for nonlinear equations and applications to multiphysics coupling, computational chemistry, and computational physics. The primary focus of the project is Anderson acceleration. This method is ubiquitous in quantum electronic structure codes. The PI will work on understanding CROP and CDIIS, two important variations of the method. The PI will also investigate open theoretical questions.
We plan to develop open-source software for quantum simulations of materials for future NSF supercomputing platforms.
The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors, CASL, supports the broad national missions of enabling energy independence; supporting economic growth through the offering of superior technology ; and being good stewards of the environment, buy enabling predictive simulation of nuclear power plants. Such capability will make possible power uprates, lifetime extension and higher fuel burnups for currently operating and new Generation III+ nuclear power plants.
The PI will continue his long-term collaboration with the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) on problems in inverse bathemetry. The objective is to determine the bottom profile of the near-shore from remote sensing data such as wave speed, wave frequency, and reflectivity. The PI and a graduate student will compare combinations of models with different levels of resolution and inverse problem methods with different costs. The PI will address problems in both implementation and analysis.
The Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors, CASL, supports the broad national missions of enabling energy independence; supporting economic growth through the offering of superior technology ; and being good stewards of the environment, buy enabling predictive simulation of nuclear power plants. Such capability will make possible power uprates, lifetime extension and higher fuel burnups for currently operating and new Generation III+ nuclear power plants. This proposal is for work that ORNL will pay TN state takes on.
This proposal is for a very large amount of supercomputer time at NSF's Blue Waters supercomputer. This time will be used for advanced simulations and design of nanoscale materials and devices. The proposal also contains a request for travel funds to Blue Waters symposia and training events.
The PI will design, analyze, and implement algorithms for the solution of nonlinear equations and optimization problems. The research will focus on problems in which the functions and constraints are the outcomes of experiments or Monte Carlo simulations.
This proposal requests funds to continue development of massively parallel quantum simulations software, to adapt it for usage on multitude of computer architectures, including current and future petascale supercomputers, and to distribute it to user community.
Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) are a relatively low-cost alternatives to more expensive crystalline silicone solar cells. DSSCs are composed of a high band-gap semiconductor with covalently attached photosensitizers that absorb visible sunlight and inject electrons into the conduction band of the semiconductor, thus generating electricity. Dyes based on ruthenium (Ru) polypyridine complexes are efficient, but Ru is rare, expensive, and toxic. We seek to design dyes based on iron, which is cheap, abundant and non-toxic. The main obstacle to the utilization of the initially excited photoactive states is their very short lifetime, which makes them very inefficient as dyes in DSSCs. This proposal aims to obtain a better theoretical understanding of structural features of Fe-based dyes that lead to the fast deactivation of their photoactive states, which is due to specific features of their potential energy surfaces.
Honors and Awards
- Drexel Professor of Mathematics
- SIAM Fellow
- Editor-in-chief SIAM J. Optimization (2000-2004)
- SIAM Vice President for Publications (2006-2009)
- Editor-in-chief, SIAM Review (2011 -- 2016)
- SIAM Board of Trustees (2011 -- 2019, Chair 2012 -- 2019)
- AAAS Fellow
- Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels