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Seminar Groups

Algebra and Combinatorics

The Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar features research talks about recent results in algebra, combinatorics, and related areas. Particular subjects of interest are the structure and representation theory of Lie algebras, quantum groups, algebraic groups, and vertex algebras, as well as the algebraic, enumerative, geometric, and topological aspects of combinatorics.

Algebra and Combinatorics Website:

W 12:45 – 1:45 pm in SAS 4201 


Applied Mathematics Graduate Student (AMGSS)

The Applied Math Grad Student Seminar (AMGSS) is an opportunity for graduate students to give presentations in a low-pressure environment. These talks are typically progress reports on thesis research, and are often practice talks for conferences or oral examinations. Also included are reports and discussion from workshops, summer schools and internship experiences. Students get a chance to practice presenting (and listening to) talks by their peers and department faculty. Students wishing to attend the presentations are welcome to contact the organizers to be added to the seminar email list.

AMGSS website:

M 3 – 4 pm in SAS 4201


Alen Alexanderian
Mansoor Haider
Julia Sanger
Ralph Smith


Talks in the area of mathematical biology and quantitative biology.

Tu 4:20-5:20 pm in Cox 306

Zixuan Cang



Dmitry Zenkov

Computational and Applied Mathematics

The Computational and Applied Mathematics seminar focuses on general computational methods arising in applied mathematics. We invite an interdisciplinary audience and speakers, including faculty, researchers, and graduate students from mathematics and other applied sciences, to attend and present research talks that spotlight the practical implementation of mathematical concepts. Technical, tutorial, and expository presentations are all encouraged

F 12:45-1:45 pm in SAS 4201


Differential Equations/Nonlinear Analysis

This research seminar is a forum for lectures by NCSU or outside researchers in areas related to Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Analysis and Dynamical Systems.

Differential Equations/Nonlinear Analysis website

W 3 – 4 pm in SAS 4201

Organizers: Differential Equations

Organizers: Nonlinear Analysis

Financial Mathematics

F 1:30 – 2:30 pm in SAS 1216

Tao Pang

First Year/Graduate Training Modules

W 1:55-2:45 pm in SAS 2225

Elisabeth Brown

Geometry and Topology

The goal of the seminar is to present and discuss results in geometry,  topology, related topics and applications.

W 11:00-12:00 pm in SAS 4201


Graduate Training

F 1:55pm-2:45 pm in SAS 4201


Bojko Bakalov

Numerical Analysis RTG

F 10:30-11:30 pm in SAS 4201


Ilse Ipsen

Pure Math Graduate Student (PuGS)

Pure Math Graduate Student Seminar is a platform for graduate students in pure mathematics to share their research with fellow graduate students. It is intended to provide a comfortable environment, free of faculty presence, in which graduate students can practice communicating their research or any interesting topics in pure mathematics.

M 3-4 pm SAS 2106


SIAM Student Chapter

We host professional development, tutorial, and research talks from NC State University faculty as well as visitors. Our primary audience is graduate students, but any are welcome to attend our events. President: Justen Geddes Vice President: Michael Redle

Stochastic/Discrete Analysis

This seminar series features research talks in Stochastics and Discrete Analysis.  The area of Stochastics includes probability theory and its applications in other areas of mathematics.  Discrete Analysis encompasses results that are analytical in flavor but also have an application to discrete areas of mathematics such as number theory, combinatorics, and probability.

Stochastic/Discrete Analysis website

M 1:45-2:45 pm in SAS 4201

Organizers Stochastic:

Organizer Discrete Analysis:

SUM Series

Th 4:30-5:30 pm

Nathan Reading

Symbolic Computation

The discipline of symbolic computation includes computer algebra, hybrid symbolic-numeric computation, mathematical knowledge representation and the algebraic aspects of formal methods in computer science, such as rule-based theorem proving. Its goal is to “do mathematics by computer” (Stephen Wolfram), with, we would add, exact or validated answers. Trademarked symbolic computation algorithms are used for computation of a Gröbner basis, lattice basis reduction, polynomial factorization, closed-form summation and integration, and solution in Tarski’s theory of real geometry. Commercial symbolic computation packages (Wolfram’s Mathematica, Maple by Maplesoft, MuPAD inside Matlab) and academic software (Stein’s Sage platform and many smaller programs) today have millions of users.

The symbolic computation seminar features research talks related to the design and implementation of algorithms in symbolic computation, including such areas as exact linear algebra, sparse interpolation and signal processing, algorithms for problems from algebraic and real geometry and optimization, polynomial root finding and solution of polynomial systems, algebraic solution of difference and differential equations, validation of numerical results, fast certification of outputs from cloud servers, and applications of algebraic geometry in the sciences.

Tu 1:30 – 2:30 pm in SAS 4201

Martin Helmer
Yairon Cid-Ruiz

Teaching and Learning

The Teaching and Learning Seminar is a forum for sharing teaching-related projects and innovations, for workshops and panels related to the practice of teaching, and for other sessions related to the general theme.

Th 3 – 4 pm SAS 4201


Stepan Paul
Rachel Abel

Triangle Series in Combinatorics

Nathan Reading

Triangle Topology

W 3:15 – 4:15 pm


Departmental Seminar and Student Group Lists

Applied Mathematics
Association for Women in
Differential Equations
Financial Math
Geometry & Topology
Graduate Student Algebra
Numerical Analysis
 Numerical Analysis Seminar (local)
Symbolic Computation
Teaching and