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Yuan Gao, Duke University, From rare events to almost sure events: optimal controlled random walk on point clouds


We focus on analysis and data-driven algorithms for rare events such as essential conformational transitions in biochemical reactions which are modeled by Langevin dynamics on manifolds. We first reinterpret the observed transition paths from the stochastic optimal control viewpoint, which realizes the transitions almost surely. Then based on collected high dimensional point clouds and nonlinear…

Raghavendra Venkatraman, Carnegie Mellon University, Interfaces and Defects in Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Media: From Materials Science to Geometric Flows


Energy-driven pattern formation is ubiquitous in nature; the character and dynamics of such patterns is selected as local minimizers and gradient flows, respectively, of non-convex, and often, non-local energies with multiple spatio-temporal scales. Analysis of such patterns sheds valuable insight upon their origins, and from the viewpoint of applications, is necessary for their control. In this talk, after introducing a…

Sam Hopkins, University of Minnesota, Order Polynomial Product Formulas and Poset Dynamics


Sam Hopkins will present a heuristic for finding special families of partially ordered sets. The heuristic says that the posets with order polynomial product formulas are the same as the posets with good dynamical behavior. Here the order polynomial is a certain enumerative invariant of the poset. Meanwhile, the dynamics includes promotion of linear extensions,…

Alexandru Hening, Tufts, A general theory of coexistence for ecological communities


A fundamental problem from population biology is finding conditions under which interacting species coexist or go extinct. I present results that lay the foundation for a general theory of stochastic coexistence. This theory extends and makes rigorous Modern Coexistence Theory and leads to resolving a number of conjectures due to Chesson, Ellner, and Palis. I…

Laura Colmenarejo, University of Massachusetts- Amherst, An insertion algorithm on multiset partitions with applications to diagram algebras


In algebraic combinatorics, the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm is a fundamental correspondence between words and pairs of semistandard tableaux illustrating identities of dimensions of irreducible representations of several groups. In this talk, I will present a generalization of the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm to the insertion of two-row arrays of multisets. This generalization leads to new enumerative results that have…

Andy Manion, USC, Heegaard Floer homology in topology and representation theory


I will give a tour of the origins of Heegaard Floer homology and its applications in topology and representation theory, highlighting recent work that relates Heegaard Floer homology with a tensor product operation for higher representations as well as with new geometric constructions.

Simone Rossi, UNC Chapel Hill, Mathematical and Computational Modeling of the Heart


Cardiovascular diseases are a major health and economic concern both in the U.S. and worldwide. Although recent breakthroughs in medical treatments for heart diseases have improved patient outcomes, the complex interplay between many interconnected physical phenomena has been a major obstacle in understanding the physiology of the heart and integrating it in mathematical models. By…

Zixuan Cang, UC Irvine, Topological and Geometric Data Analysis Meets Data-driven Biology


Topological and geometric data analysis (TGDA) is a powerful framework for quantitative description and simplification of datasets' shapes. It is especially suitable for modern biological data that are intrinsically complex and high-dimensional. Traditional topological data analysis considers the geometric features of a dataset, while in practice, there could be both geometric and non-geometric features. In…

Martin Helmer, Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry and Applications


At its most basic, algebraic geometry studies algebraic varieties; that is, the solution sets of systems of polynomial equations. In this talk our focus is on developing a concrete understanding of the geometry and topology of varieties and using this understanding to obtain practical and effective computational methods. Such methods may then in turn be…

Michelle Chu, University of Illinois Chicago, Virtual properties of 3-manifolds


A virtual property of a 3-manifold is a property satisfied by a finite cover of the 3-manifold. The study of such properties has been at the heart of several major developments in 3-manifold topology in the past decade. In this talk I will provide motivation and background on these virtual properties and discuss some recent results. Zoom…

Diego Cifuentes, MIT, Advancing scalable, provable optimization methods in semidefinite & polynomial programs


Optimization is a broad area with ramifications in many disciplines, including machine learning, control theory, signal processing, robotics, computer vision, power systems, and quantum information. I will talk about some novel algorithmic and theoretical results in two broad classes of optimization problems. The first class of problems are semidefinite programs (SDP). I will present the…

Anna Weigandt, University of Michigan, Gröbner Geometry of Schubert Polynomials Through Ice


Schubert calculus has its origins in enumerative questions asked by the geometers of the 19th century, such as "how many lines meet four fixed lines in three-space?"  These problems can be recast as questions about the structure of cohomology rings of geometric spaces such as flag varieties.  Borel's isomorphism identifies the cohomology of the complete…

Erik Bates, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Making sense of disordered systems: what if Euclid, Newton, and Maxwell did probability?


Disordered systems are mathematical models (typically of the physical world) that are governed by random variables.  These models have offered insights into a diverse array of research problems, and have also brought about a great number of powerful mathematical tools.  The through line to the subject is the essential role played by probability theory, a…

Evgeni Dimitrov, Columbia University, Gibbsian line ensembles and beta-corners processes


Gibbs measures are ubiquitous in statistical mechanics and probability theory. In this talk I will discuss two types of classes of Gibbs measures – random line ensembles and triangular particle arrays, which have received considerable attention due, in part, to their occurrence in integrable probability. Gibbsian line ensembles can be thought of as collections of…

Lucas Benigni, University of Chicago, Delocalization of eigenvectors for large random matrices


In the study of disordered quantum systems, it is believed that a strong dichotomy should occur between two phases: a delocalized (or conducting) phase and a localized (or insulating) phase. While this is far from being proved in all generality, the study of large symmetric random matrices, which model simple systems, allows us to describe…

Yeor Hafouta, Ohio State University, A Berry-Esseen theorem and Edgeworth expansions for uniformly elliptic inhomogeneous Markov chains


A classical result due to Dobrushin (1956) yields the central limit theorem for partial sums of functionals of inhomogeneous ("sufficiently contracting'') Markov chains. In the talk we will restrict to bounded functionals of uniformly elliptic inhomogeneous Markov chains, for which we can obtain: A Berry-Esseen theorem (optimal rates in the Central limit theorem); Correction terms of…

Marissa Loving, Georgia Institute of Technology, Symmetries of Surfaces: Big and Small


We will introduce both finite and infinite-type surfaces and study their collections of symmetries, known as mapping class groups. The study of the mapping class group of finite-type surfaces has played a central role in low-dimensional topology stretching back a hundred years to work of Max Dehn and Jakob Nielsen, and gaining momentum and significance through the…

Alperen Ergur, University of Texas at San Antonio, Toward an Algorithmic Theory of Real Polynomials


I will present problems arising from biochemical reaction networks, optimization, computer science, and complexity theory. These problems share the following characteristics: 1) they can be modeled by multivariate polynomials, 2) they demand different theorems than the ones offered by the traditional theory of computation and state-of-the-art theory of polynomials. I will present recent results that blend…

Kyle Hayden, Columbia University, Braids and Badly Behaved Surfaces


The topology of smooth manifolds is governed largely by geometry in low dimensions and by algebraic topology in high dimensions. The phase transition occurs in dimension four, leading to "exotic" phenomena where continuous and differential topology diverge sharply. I will begin by surveying some ways that surfaces can be used to investigate this phase transition. Then I…