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The William Lowell Putnam Competition recognizes success on the Putnam Exam, a national math exam held the first Saturday in December. Doing well on the exam strengthens both graduate school and job applications and can be of financial benefit, as well (see the Levine-Anderson Award). The Putnam Seminar, MA 444, is a one-credit, pass/fail course offered in the fall to help students prepare for the exam.

The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) is an international contest where teams of undergraduates use mathematical modeling to present their solutions to real world problems. The ICM contest takes place annually sometime during the second half of January. Each team needs to have a faculty mentor.

The NC State Integration Bee is a competition where students compete in a single-elimination tournament to solve integrals at the chalkboard faster than their opponents. This is annual event host by the Society for Undergraduate Mathematics.