Toward the end of your next-to-last semester before graduating, the department’s undergraduate secretary will contact you with instructions for filling out the Department of Mathematics’ Application for Degree form. You’ll also need to apply to the university for graduation via MyPack Portal.
Both applications should be completed by the first day of classes of your graduating semester. Should you need to retake an examination during your last year, consult Section 7 of the NC State Test and Examinations policy.
Finding a Job
By the fourth week of the fall semester before you expect to graduate, register with ePack, the Career Development Center’s student employment hub. It’s important to register early because employers start interviewing early, and many only interview in the fall.
Also, be sure to talk to the College of Sciences Counselor about identifying the perfect type of job after graduation, preparing for that job, job search, interview preparation, career counseling, contacts with corporations that hire mathematics students, etc.
Planning for Graduate School
If you plan to go to graduate school in mathematics, you need:
- A solid foundation for graduate study in the mathematics sciences, including the following courses:
- Linear algebra: MA405, MA520.
- Real and complex analysis: MA425, MA426, MA 513.
- Abstract algebra: MA 407, MA 521.
- Other useful courses: MA 421, MA 450/451 (for students with applied math interests).
- If possible, try to take part in an undergraduate research experience.
- You should plan to take both the GRE General Test and the GRE Mathematics subject test in your senior year. Usually students take the general test in early summer before their last year in school and the subject test in November of their last year. This schedule allows the student to retake any part of the GREs if the score is not satisfactory. In addition, the student will have taken the tests early enough to meet most of the deadlines for applications for assistantships and fellowships.
- Check out the schools you might be interested in. In particular, check out rankings of various math graduate programs.
- Check out possible assistantships and fellowships. The American Mathematical Society each year publishes Assistantships and Graduate Fellowships in the Mathematical Sciences, a publication that contains information on assistantships and fellowships in mathematics at various schools in the United States and Canada.
- Check out national fellowships:
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships.
- The U.S. Department of Defense NDSEG and Smart Scholarship.
- Graduate Fellowships for Stem Diversity for women and minorities.
- You can get more information about these fellowships and others from the Fellowship Advising Office and the Graduate School.