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Transferring Into Math

Whether you’re enrolled at NC State and would like to switch your current major, or you’d like to add an additional major in the Mathematics Department, you will follow the same process.

  • See how your completed courses align with our requirements by logging in to MyPack Portal and running a “What If” degree audit for either Mathematics (17MATHBS) or Applied Mathematics (17AMATHBS)
  • Review the criteria for successful application to transfer into a math program on the Change of Degree Application (CODA) website.
  • Note the limited application periods.
  • Contact Dr. Alina Duca, the director of undergraduate mathematics programs, to review your academic record and determine whether you can be admitted to one of the math programs. She may advise you to take additional math courses before you apply.
  • It is strongly recommended that a student wishing to matriculate into one of the mathematics programs first take MA 225. Contact Dr. Duca if you need help registering for this class.
  • Once you have examined the requirements for mathematics or applied mathematics, you can officially request to join one of our programs by applying through CODA.