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When: Tuesday, September 18; 11:00 – 12:30
Where: Piedmont-Mountains Ballroom – Talley Student Union
Registration Deadline: September 14
The Graduate School will sponsor a workshop for students interested in applying for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP).  At the workshop, participants will hear from a panel that includes those who have reviewed GRFP applications for NSF, as well as other experts on the review process.  The panel will provide valuable advice on how to put together a winning application.
Interested students should complete the online registration form by September 14.
The workshop is designed to give participants the tools they need to develop successful fellowship applications. It will not address in detail the eligibility requirements for the program. Complete information on the NSF GRFP, including all eligibility requirements, is available by clicking HERE.
A few program highlights are as follows: 
  • Annual stipend of $34,000, plus tuition and fees for three years, usable over a five-year period (NC State students also receive health insurance coverage.)
  • Awarded to outstanding graduate students pursuing research-based master’s and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), social sciences, and STEM education
  • Eligibility limited to United States citizens, nationals, or permanent residents of the United States by the application deadline
  • Applicants are eligible to apply: 1) as undergraduates or post baccalaureates not enrolled in graduate school and who will have adequate preparation to attend graduate school in the fall that begins after they apply to GRFP; or 2) as graduate students who have not completed more than 12 months of a graduate program in a supported field of study
  • Graduate students are limited to only one application to the GRFP, submitted either in the first year or in the second year of graduate school.
If you have any questions on the workshop, please contact Dr. David Shafer at the e-mail address below.
David M. Shafer, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean
The Graduate School

Box 7102
Raleigh, NC 27695-7102

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