We invite you to our SIMIODE EXPO 2021, 12-13 February 2020. This is SIMIODE’s first international virtual conference as part of our Community of Practice. The conference is for non-students and students. All are welcome – academic, industry, government, non-profit, and individual.
SIMIODE EXPO 2021 will include contributed paper sessions in break out rooms, minicourses, poster sessions, panel discussions, lounge areas, fun MathBowl, one-on-one conversations with instant ZOOM connection for “hallway” conversations, and more – all but the smell of hot coffee!!
The conference will run from 3:30 PM (Eastern US Time) through 9:00 PM on Friday, 12 February 2021, and from 10:00 AM through 7:00 PM on Saturday, 13 February 2021, with time for friendly conversations and meet-ups. All sessions will be recorded and available for Registered Attendees after the conference.
Features include:
- Exciting keynote speakers: Brian McDonald, Director of Sports Analytics at ESPN and Matt Boelkins, Grand Valley State University, Editor PRIMUS and author.
- Student Poster Sessions
- General Themes – New to modeling; Actions, practice, and tips at and above the basics; Technology; and Student focus and SCUDEM
- Panels – Faculty Development Programs; Assessment and Evaluation of Student Success/Gains;
Introduction of SIMIODE Online Text; and SIMIODE and SCUDEM Benefits: Where to Start? - MathBowl fun challenge
- Opportunities for small gatherings and “hallway” conversations through instant ZOOM connection
We are now accepting full registrations and submissions for your contributed talks (title and abstract) in break out rooms at our Registration Form as well as Poster Session and Panel participation. See complete schedule at SIMIODE EXPO 2021. This is an opportunity to engage with colleagues and share your thoughts and experiences in using modeling to teach differential equations. Come join the celebration!
There is a modest registration fee of $25 US for Students and $45 US for Non-Students.
- Categories: