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NC State Sisterhood Dinner Registration link

The annual NC State Sisterhood Celebration is a free, virtual event taking place this coming Monday, February 22, from 4-5pm.

The theme this year is Normal Never Was: “The past year has been one filled with challenges and hardships.  While these have not been the same for each person, we must acknowledge the harm that has come over the past year – some of which has been occurring for generations – before we can consider moving forward. Many are seeking to return our society back to normal; in recognizing the impact of facing multiple pandemics at once, we recognize that normal can never be as it once was and that the perception of normal is one interwoven in a framework of misogyny and racism.”
If you would like to attend, please register at this link. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend.
The 2021 Sisterhood Celebration is sponsored by:

Council on the Status of Women

NC State Women’s Center