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Interesting (non-math) Fall courses

Something that I often hear from our students is I do not know what I would like to do with my degree or how am I going to do “adulting” or professional development.  If you need an answer to those questions There are seats open in two free elective career courses this Fall. Watch this video  and the syllabus for each class are below:
USC 202 Career Exploration 2 credits T/Th 3pm
USC 401 “Adulting” for Seniors/Professional Development M/W 3pm 3 credits

For further questions please contact Marcy Bullock, Director Professional Development Center NC State:

Marcy Bullock ~ Director, Professional Development
Career Development Center NC State University,  2100 Pullen Hall ~ 919-515-2396Twitter Podcast LinkedIn

Scientific Programming with Python (2 sections)

  • DSC 11937, Instructor: Ryan Murray, Contact:, Time: Thursday 4:30-5:20 PM
  • DSC 11935, Instructor: Arvind K. Saibaba, Contact:, Time: Monday 1:55-2:45 PM

Course Description Python is a high-level, interpreted language that has emerged as a power-
ful tool for scientific computing. This 1 credit course includes exposure to tools in three different
areas: 1) general software development tools, including terminal commands and version control, 2)
Python programming basics, including syntax, object oriented structures, modules and exception
handling, and 3) Scientific computing in Python. Topics include:

  • Basics (Variables/Loops/Conditionals/Data Structures).
  • Object oriented programming.
  • Plotting (matplotlib).
  • Scientific Computing packages (NumPy/SciPy/Matplotlib/Pandas).

The target audience of this course includes graduate and undergraduate students with an interest in scientific computing.
Prerequisites: Some higher level programming background (e.g., C++/MATLAB) is desirable.
Required Work Grade will be determined based on weekly homework, and a summative project.
Textbook No textbook required. Online material will be provided.