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September SUM Club Meetings

Hi Math Enthusiasts,
We hope you had a great first week of classes and are excited for a Fall semester of math fun with SUM Club!
The Society for Undergraduate Mathematics calendar for September meetings is below:All meetings are in SAS2202, The Undergraduate Mathematics Lounge. FREE FOOD will be available at every meeting.

Thursday, September 1st, 5-7pm: SUM Club puzzles and social time (drop in anytime!)

Thursday, September 8th, 6-7pm: LaTex and Mathematica tutorial night

Thursday, September 15th, 6-7pm: Math Jeopardy 

Thursday, September 22nd, 6-7pm: Mathematical Insights Nights, with undergraduate mathematics presentation by George Katsoulis and David Sieg

Thursday, September 29th, 6-7pm: Math game night, liars dice
To immediately add all SUM Club events to your google calendar, click here:

Follow the club Instagram @sum_club_ncsu

Add the Math Lounge Discord Server at

We hope to see you THIS Thursday for our first meeting! Please let us know if you have any questions!

SUM Club Execs