Poole Registration Info
Poole College handles registration a bit differently than other colleges, so please find below some information that might be helpful for students wanting to take Poole courses (ACC, BUS, EC, M, MIE). Most of this information can be found on our website: go.ncsu.edu/poole_courses. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!
- We do hold back some seats for students planning to CODA into Poole this summer and will work with them once admitted if they need to adjust their course schedule before August.
- We also hold “Opportunities in Poole” Information Sessions for students interested in Poole CODA or Poole minors: go.ncsu.edu/poole_opportunities.
- Faculty are not involved in the enrollment process for Poole courses. Instead, all registration requests are handled centrally by our Poole Scheduling team. Students can contact them at poole_scheduling@ncsu.edu.
- Poole utilizes the university’s registration waitlist function extensively for courses that are full or have reserved seats. As long as you meet the prerequisites for the class, you should be able to get on the waitlist, even if there are reserved seats. We will review enrollment on our courses on April 18th and remove most of the reserved seats at that time. These seats will go to students based on their position on the waitlist so be sure to waitlist early. We will review waitlists again on July 24th and likely release any remaining reserved seats.
- M 100 is restricted to students who are already in a Poole major and is not an option for students who are pursuing the CODA process until after they have been officially accepted.
- Most 200-level Poole courses are open to any NCSU student, although there may be some seats reserved for Poole majors. Students are encouraged to get on the waitlist if there are no un-reserved seats available.
- Most 300-level Poole courses are restricted to Poole majors and specific Poole minors until the 4th day of classes (Aug. 24th by 5pm). Most of these seats will be reserved for Poole majors but Poole minors are encouraged to get on the waitlist.
- EC 301 & 302 will be open to any NCSU student but most seats are reserved for Economics majors. Students can still get on the waitlist.
- BUS 351 will remain restricted to Poole majors only.
- 400-level Poole courses are and will remain restricted to Poole majors, although declared Business Entrepreneurship minors can waitlist for MIE 41x courses.
- For questions about Poole minors (Accounting, Business Administration, Business Entrepreneurship, Economics), you can visit go.ncsu.edu/poole_minors or email poole_minors@ncsu.edu.
- For questions about CODA, you can visit go.ncsu.edu/poole_coda or email poole_transfer@ncsu.edu.
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