Eric Hanson
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
SAS Hall 3278
I am a postdoc in the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University under the supervision of Nathan Reading.
I have previously been a postdoc in Le Laboratoire d’Algèbre, de Combinatoire et d’Informatique Mathématique (LACIM), (supervised by Hugh Thomas at l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and Thomas Brüstle at l’Université de Sherbrooke) and a researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (supervised by Aslak Bakke Buan). I completed my Ph.D. in mathematics at Brandeis University under the supervision of Kiyoshi Igusa.
I study the representation theory of quivers and associative algebras using techniques from topology, geometric group theory, and combinatorics. I am also interested in differential privacy and its relationship with data weighting and editing.
Please see my personal website for additional information about my research and teaching interests!