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Gabor Pataki, UNC-Chapel Hill, Bad semidefinite programs, linear algebra, and short proofs

SAS 4201

Semidefinite programs (SDPs) -- optimization problems with linear constraints, linear objective, and semidefinite matrix variables --  are some of the most useful, versatile, and pervasive optimization problems to emerge in the last 30 years. They find applications in combinatorial optimization, machine learning, and statistics, to name just a few areas. Unfortunately, SDPs often behave pathologically: the optimal values of the primal…

Yingwei Wang, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Introduction to Muntz Polynomial Approximation

SAS 4201

In general, solutions to the Laplacian equation enjoy relatively high smoothness. However, they can exhibit singular behaviors at domain corners or points where boundary conditions change type. In this talk, I will focus on the mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions for Laplacian equation, and discuss how singularities in this case adversely affect the accuracy and convergence…

Mingchao Cai, Morgan State University, Some Fast Solvers for Poroelastic Models

SAS 4201

Poroelastic models have been widely used in Biomechanics. For example, modeling brain edema and cancellous bones. We aim at solving the Biot model under the MAC Finite Difference discretization and the stabilized finite element discretizations. To solve the resulting saddle point linear systems, some iterative methods are proposed and compared. In these methods, the outer iteration solver can be the GMRES…

Daniel B. Szyld, Temple University, Asynchronous Optimized Schwarz Methods for the solution of PDEs

SAS 4201

Asynchronous methods refer to parallel iterative procedures where each process performs its task without waiting for other processes to be completed, i.e., with whatever information it has locally available and with no synchronizations with other processes. In this talk, an asynchronous version of the optimized Schwarz method is presented for the solution of differential equations on a parallel computational environment. Convergence is…

Mario Ricchiuto, INRIA Bordeaux, On dispersive-like effects in channels with banks

SAS 4201

The study of the propagation of undular bores in channels is relevant to many applications which go from the propagation of tsunami waves, to that of tidal bores/waves, to the propagation of strong waves in manmade channels due to hazards (e.g. dam breaking). In absence of banks, the flow exhibits a transition across which undulating waves  start breaking and transform…

Pierre Gremaud, NC State, Advances and challenges in global sensitivity analysis

SAS 4201

What to do when the size and complexity of your model essentially  prevent you from using it? Well, get a smaller and simpler model... At the heart of this dimension reduction process is the notion of parameter importance which, ultimately, is part of the modeling process itself. Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) aims at efficiently  identifying important…

Susan Minkoff, UT Dallas, Microseismic Source Estimation via Seismic Inversion

SAS 4201

Accurate estimation of microseismic events (small earthquakes) generated during hydraulic fracturing of low permeability rocks such as shale enables important characterization of hydraulic fracture networks. Determining the orientation of the fracture is important in characterizing the effectiveness of the stimulation process. We consider the source as separable in time and space and invert for a…

Vladimir Druskin, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Reduced Order Models, Networks and Applications to Modeling and Imaging with Waves

SAS 4201

Geophysical seismic exploration, as well as radar and sonar imaging, require the solution of large scale forward and inverse problems for hyperbolic systems of equations. In this talk, I will show how model order reduction can be used to address some intrinsic difficulties of these problems. In model order reduction, one approximates the response (transfer…

Jianfeng Lu, Duke University, Solving large-scale leading eigenvalue problem

SAS 4201

The leading eigenvalue problems arise in many applications. When the dimension of the matrix is super huge, such as for applications in quantum many-body problems, conventional algorithms become impractical due to computational and memory complexity. In this talk, we will describe some recent works on new algorithms for the leading eigenvalue problems based on randomized and coordinate-wise methods (joint work with…

Malgorzata Peszynska, Modeling hysteresis using ODEs with constraints: Numerical stability and other properties

SAS 4201

In nonlinear conservation laws the flux function f(u) is usually single valued, but in many important applications it is hysteretic, i.e., it assigns different values depending on whether the input u(t) is increasing or decreasing in t. We present our recent results on a hysteresis model built with a collection of auxiliary ODEs under constraints. The model shares some similarities…

Casey Dietrich, NC State, Forecasting and Mapping of Coastal Flooding during Hurricanes

SAS 4201

When a hurricane threatens North Carolina, researchers use computational models to predict how the ocean waters will rise, and what areas will be flooded.  Emergency managers rely on fast and accurate storm surge predictions from these models to make decisions and estimate damages during storm events.  These models use unstructured, finite-element meshes to describe the…

Troy Butler, University of Colorado Denver, Data Consistent Inversion: An Interactive Talk Using Jupyter Notebooks

(Brief Note: In this talk, we utilize Jupyter notebooks to re-create some of our published results in real-time and also build a "computational intuition" for the ideas presented. In this way, we are (mostly) transparent about all the computations involved in our work. I will email these materials to anyone interested after the presentation.) Models are useful for…

Philippe Angot, Aix-Marseille Universite, Recent advances on vector penalty-projection methods for low-Mach multiphase flows with strong stresses and open boundary conditions

We discuss the efficiency of recent advances on the vector penalty-projection methods including the kinematic version which uses fast discrete Helmholtz-Hodge decompositions on edge-based generalized MAC-type unstructured meshes. These methods are especially designed for the computation of incompressible or low-Mach multiphase flows under strong constraints (large density or viscosity ratios, large surface tension) and with…

Quoc Tran-Dinh, UNC-Chapel Hill Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research, Smooth Structures in Convex Functions and Applications to Proximal-Based Methods

In this talk, we demonstrate one way of exploiting smooth structures hidden in convex functions to develop optimization algorithms. Our key idea is to generalize a powerful concept so-called "self-concordance" introduced by Y. Nesterov and A. Nemirovskii to a broader class of convex functions. We show that this structure covers many applications in statistics and machine learning. Then, we develop a…

Pedro Aceves Sanchez, NC State, Emergence of Vascular Networks

he emergence of vascular networks is a long-standing problem which has been the subject of intense research in the past decades. One of the main reasons being the widespread applications that it has in tissue regeneration, wound healing, cancer treatment, etc. The mechanisms involved in the formation of vascular networks are complex and despite the vast amount of research devoted to it, there are still…

Jon Stallrich, NC State, Sign-Informative Design and Analysis of Supersaturated Designs

Much of the literature on the design and analysis of supersaturated designs (SSDs), in which the number of factors exceeds the number of runs, rests on design principles assuming a least-squares analysis.  More recently, researchers have discovered the potential of analyzing SSDs with penalized regression methods like the LASSO and Dantzig selector estimators.  There exists much theoretical work for these methods…

Eric Hallman, NC State, Sharp 2-norm Error Bounds for LSQR and the Conjugate Gradient Method

When running any iterative algorithm it is useful to know when to stop. Here we review LSQR and LSLQ, two iterative methods for solving \min_x \|Ax-b\|_2 based on the Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization process, as well as estimates for the 2-norm error \|x-x_*\|_2, where x_* is the minimum norm solution. We also review the closely related Craig's…

Shahar Kovalsky, Duke University, Planar surface embeddings and non-convex harmonic maps

Mappings between domains are among the most basic and versatile tools used in the computational analysis and manipulation of shapes. Their applications range from animation in computer graphics to analysis of anatomical variation and anomaly detection in medicine and biology. My talk will start with a brief overview of discrete computational shape mapping, surface parameterization…

Misha Kilmer, Tufts University, A new tensor framework – theory and applications

Tensors (aka multiway arrays) can be instrumental in revealing latent correlations residing in high dimensional spaces. Despite their applicability to a broad range of applications in machine learning, speech recognition, and imaging, inconsistencies between tensor and matrix algebra have been complicating their broader utility.  Researchers seeking to overcome those discrepancies have introduced several different candidate…