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Theresa Anderson, Purdue University, Two meetings of analysis and number theory


In many recent works, analysis and number theory go beyond working side by side and team up in an interconnected back and forth interplay to become a powerful force. Here I describe two distinct meetings of the pair, which result in sharp counts for equilateral triangles in Euclidean…

Explorations in Mathematical Modeling and Biofluids

SAS 1102

Speaker: Lisa Fauci, Professor of Mathematics, Tulane University Abstract: In the past decade, the study of the fluid dynamics of swimming organisms has flourished. My research has been centered on…

Seminar: Farid Aliniaeifard, Generalized Chromatic Functions

SAS 4201

We define vertex-colourings for edge-coloured digraphs, which unify the theory of P-partitions and proper vertex-colourings of graphs. Furthermore, we use our vertex-colourings to define generalized chromatic functions, which merge the chromatic symmetric and…