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Mohammad Farazmand, NC State, Extreme Events in Chaos

SAS 2102

Chaos refers to seemingly random and unpredictable dynamics of a system that evolves in time. Certain chaotic systems exhibit an additional level of complexity: intermittent extreme events that are noticeably distinct…

John Nardini, NC State, The Topology of Data

SAS 2102

The 21st century has seen a boom in the production of data as well as methods to analyze data. One such methodology is Topological data analysis (TDA), where concepts from topology are used…

Tye Lidman, NC State, How hard is it to untie a knot?

SAS 2102

Imagine tying up your shoelaces into a knot.  How can we measure the difficulty of unknotting this mess?  In this talk, we will study mathematical knots and various measurements of…

Honors Research Presentation

SAS 2102

Grant Barkley   Title: Coxeter Groups and the Lattice of Total Orders   Abstract: A Coxeter group is a group generated by elements of order 2, called reflections, along with…