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Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis Seminar: Geng Chen, University of Kansas, Poiseuille flow of nematic liquid crystals via Ericksen-Leslie model


In this talk, we will discuss a recent global existence result on the Poiseuille flow of nematic liquid crystals via full Ericksen-Leslie model. The existing results on the Ericksen-Leslie model for the liquid crystals mainly focused on the parabolic and elliptic type models by omitting the kinetic energy term. In this recent progress, we established…

Bobby Wilson, University of Washington, Marstrand’s Theorem in general Banach spaces


We will discuss Marstrand's classical theorem concerning the interplay between density of a measure and the Hausdorff dimension of the measure's support in the context of finite-dimensional Banach spaces. This is joint work with David Bate and Tatiana Toro. Website: Host: Paata Ivanisvili

Huy Nguyen, Brown University, Mathematical Aspects of Free-boundary Problems in Fluid Mechanics


Free-boundary problems are partial differential equations in which the unknown function and its domain must be simultaneously determined. They arise ubiquitously as mathematical models for phenomena in many fields, most notably in physics, biology and finance. Free boundary problems are typically highly nonlinear and nonlocal in nature, making their analysis challenging. I will discuss two fundamental…

Weilin Li, Courant Institute, Generalization error of minimum weighted norm and kernel interpolation


A central question in machine learning theory is whether an algorithm enjoys good generalization, which is the ability to correctly predict new examples from prior observations. While classical wisdom advocates for methods with fewer parameters than data points in order to avoid overfitting, modern machine learning algorithms are severely over-parameterized and perfectly fit training data.…

Hangjie Ji, UCLA, Dynamics of thin liquid films on vertical cylindrical fibers


Thin liquid films flowing down vertical fibers exhibit complex and interesting interfacial dynamics, including droplet formation and traveling wave patterns. Such dynamics play a crucial role in the design of heat and mass exchangers for many engineering applications, including cooling and desalination systems. Recent experiments present a wealth of new dynamics that illustrate the need…

Renan Gross, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, Stochastic processes for Boolean profit


Not even influence inequalities for Boolean functions can escape the long arm of stochastic processes. I will present a (relatively) natural stochastic process which turns Boolean functions and their derivatives into jump-process martingales. There is much to profit from analyzing the individual paths of these processes: Using stopping times and level inequalities, we will reprove…



We hope this email finds you well. Given the uniqueness of this academic year, the Triangle Area Graduate Mathematics Conference (TAGMaC) will be happening differently than usual. We’d like to share some initial details about TAGMaC and invite you to register early.   There will only be one meeting of TAGMaC this academic year. It…



We hope this email finds you well. Given the uniqueness of this academic year, the Triangle Area Graduate Mathematics Conference (TAGMaC) will be happening differently than usual. We’d like to share some initial details about TAGMaC and invite you to register early.   There will only be one meeting of TAGMaC this academic year. It…



We hope this email finds you well. Given the uniqueness of this academic year, the Triangle Area Graduate Mathematics Conference (TAGMaC) will be happening differently than usual. We’d like to share some initial details about TAGMaC and invite you to register early.   There will only be one meeting of TAGMaC this academic year. It…

Fatma Terzioglu, University of Chicago, Mathematics of some emerging imaging techniques


Computerized tomography techniques, which are used for visualizing the interior structure of an object of interest in a non-invasive manner, have played a central role in medical imaging, industrial non-destructive testing, geophysics, astronomy, and other fields. Yet, the quest for more sensitive, reliable, robust, safer, and cheaper imaging methods is ongoing and has intensified in…

Yuan Gao, Duke University, From rare events to almost sure events: optimal controlled random walk on point clouds


We focus on analysis and data-driven algorithms for rare events such as essential conformational transitions in biochemical reactions which are modeled by Langevin dynamics on manifolds. We first reinterpret the observed transition paths from the stochastic optimal control viewpoint, which realizes the transitions almost surely. Then based on collected high dimensional point clouds and nonlinear…

Raghavendra Venkatraman, Carnegie Mellon University, Interfaces and Defects in Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Media: From Materials Science to Geometric Flows


Energy-driven pattern formation is ubiquitous in nature; the character and dynamics of such patterns is selected as local minimizers and gradient flows, respectively, of non-convex, and often, non-local energies with multiple spatio-temporal scales. Analysis of such patterns sheds valuable insight upon their origins, and from the viewpoint of applications, is necessary for their control. In this talk, after introducing a…

Sam Hopkins, University of Minnesota, Order Polynomial Product Formulas and Poset Dynamics


Sam Hopkins will present a heuristic for finding special families of partially ordered sets. The heuristic says that the posets with order polynomial product formulas are the same as the posets with good dynamical behavior. Here the order polynomial is a certain enumerative invariant of the poset. Meanwhile, the dynamics includes promotion of linear extensions,…

Alexandru Hening, Tufts, A general theory of coexistence for ecological communities


A fundamental problem from population biology is finding conditions under which interacting species coexist or go extinct. I present results that lay the foundation for a general theory of stochastic coexistence. This theory extends and makes rigorous Modern Coexistence Theory and leads to resolving a number of conjectures due to Chesson, Ellner, and Palis. I…

Laura Colmenarejo, University of Massachusetts- Amherst, An insertion algorithm on multiset partitions with applications to diagram algebras


In algebraic combinatorics, the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm is a fundamental correspondence between words and pairs of semistandard tableaux illustrating identities of dimensions of irreducible representations of several groups. In this talk, I will present a generalization of the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm to the insertion of two-row arrays of multisets. This generalization leads to new enumerative results that have…

Andy Manion, USC, Heegaard Floer homology in topology and representation theory


I will give a tour of the origins of Heegaard Floer homology and its applications in topology and representation theory, highlighting recent work that relates Heegaard Floer homology with a tensor product operation for higher representations as well as with new geometric constructions.