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CANCELED: Bo Wang, Southern Methodist University, Fast and Accurate Simulations Of Time Domain Scattering Problem

This event has been rescheduled for August 25. We present a fast and accurate numerical method for the simulation of time domain scattering problem. Both acoustic and electromagnetic scattering problems are discussed. Nonreflecting boundary conditions (NRBCs) are used to truncate the problem. We first derive analytic expressions for the underlying convolution kernels which allow for a rapid and accurate…

CANCELED: Christopher K Jones, UNC, How far the dynamical systems perspective be pushed for studying nonlinear waves and patterns in multi-dimensions?

Geometric dynamical systems ideas have been very successful in determining traveling and standing waves in one space dimension.  Techniques that have proved important for their existence and stability include geometric singular perturbation theory, Lin’s Method, the Evans Function and the Maslov Index. Spatial Dynamics constitutes an approach to extending these ideas to higher-dimensional domains that…

CANCELED: Hung Tran, University of Wisconsin Madison, Coagulation-Fragmentation equations with multiplicative coagulation kernel and constant fragmentation kernel

We study a critical case of Coagulation-Fragmentation equations with multiplicative coagulation kernel and constant fragmentation kernel. Our method is based on the study of viscosity solutions to a new singular Hamilton-Jacobi equation, which results from applying the Bernstein transform to the original Coagulation-Fragmentation equation. Our results include wellposedness, regularity and long-time behaviors of viscosity solutions…