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Christina Battista and Zackary Kenz, DILIsym Services Inc., Quantitative Systems Toxicology: Mathematical Modeling Applications in DILIsym

Cox 306

The pharmaceutical industry has increasingly embraced mathematical modeling as a method to predict drug-body interactions. In particular, issues of drug toxicity and drug-drug interactions impact the drug development and approval process. Initially begun as a private-public partnership, DILIsym Services is the leading software platform to help inform issues relating to drug-induced liver injury (DILI) by…

Changhui Tan, NC State, Self-organized dynamics: aggregation and flocking

SAS 4201

Self-organized behaviors are commonly observed in nature and human societies, such as bird flocks, fish swarms and human crowds. In this talk, I will present some celebrated mathematical models, with simple small-scale interactions which lead to the emergence of global behaviors: aggregation and flocking. I will discuss the models in different scales: from microscopic agent-based…

Ryan Murray, Convergence rates for ficticious play algorithm in decentralized control problems

SAS 4201

In many practical control problems (e.g. in the power grid/traffic flow) agents are not able to effectively coordinate their actions. One classical method proposed by economists for solving such decentralized control problems is known as the ficticious play algorithm. This talk will discuss some recent work which establishes converge rates for ficticious play. In particular,…

Petar Momcilovic, University of Florida, Data-Driven Appointment Scheduling Under Uncertainty: The Case of an Infusion Unit in an Oncology Center

Daniels 218

We develop a novel, data-driven approach to deal with appointment sequencing and scheduling in a multi-server system, where both customer punctuality and service times are stochastic. Our model is calibrated using a data set of unprecedented resolution, gathered at a large-scale outpatient oncology practice. This data set combines real-time locations, electronic health records and appointments…

Wen-shin Lee, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Identification problem in exponential analysis

The Blahut/Ben-Or/Tiwari sparse interpolation algorithm from computer algebra is closely related to Prony’s method for exponential analysis. In this talk, we focus on some challenges in exponential analysis. Estimating the spectral information of an exponential sum plays an important role in many signal processing applications. In particular, we mention the direction of arrival (DOA) problem in smart antenna technology…

Faramarz Vafaee, Caltech, The prism manifold realization problem

The spherical manifold realization problem asks which spherical three-manifolds arise from surgeries on knots in the three-sphere. In recent years, the realization problem for C, T, O, and I-type spherical manifolds has been solved, leaving the D-type manifolds (also known as the prism manifolds) as the only remaining case. Every prism manifold can be parametrized…

Loc Nguyen, UNC Charlotte, Phaseless Coefficient Inverse problem using only one direction of incident wave

SAS 4201

The phaseless coefficient inverse problem arises in imaging of nano-structures. One uses light source whose wavelength is in the range of hundreds of nanometers to illuminate those structures and collects the intensity of the complex scattering field on a plane behind such structures. Due to the smallness of the wavelength, measuring the phase of the…

Triangle Area Graduate Mathematics Conference (TAGMaC)

This fall semester, the Triangle Area Graduate Mathematics Conference (TAGMaC) will be held at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC on November 11, 2017.  The one-day conference features short talks by graduate students and a keynote speech. Lunch and coffee/tea will also be provided. We would like to invite all graduate students to attend and give…

Francisco Santos Leal, Universidad de Cantabria, Diameters of polyhedra and simplicial complexes

SAS 1102

The Hirsch conjecture, posed in 1957, stated that the graph of a $d$-dimensional polytope or polyhedron with $n$ facets cannot have diameter greater than $n−d$ . The conjecture itself has been disproved by Klee-Walkup (1967) for unbounded polyhedra and by the speaker (2012) for bounded polytopes; but what we know about the underlying question is…

Kristina Czuchlewski, Sandia National Laboratories, New Horizons in Geospatial Analytics

Park Shops 210

In recent years, Sandia National Laboratories has been accelerating research investments in data science and analytics. This change was motivated by a need for timely decisions about the state of the world in the context of increasingly large and diverse varieties of data. Data-centric challenges often cross discipline boundaries. To address these challenges, our group…

Laura Potter, Global Head of Computational Biology, Syngenta, Helping feed the world with innovative agricultural products: Opportunities for computational biology

Cox 306

As the world’s rapidly growing population is driving ever increasing demand for food, feed and fuel, we are faced with the challenge to grow higher-yielding crops with less water and fewer inputs.  Agriculture companies are focused on meeting these needs by delivering innovative products and technologies into the marketplace that improve crop performance. This requires…

Gleb Pogudin, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Algorithms for Checking Global Identifiability

SAS 4201

The following situation arises in modeling: one has a system of differential equations with parameters and wants to determine the values of these parameters measuring unknown functions (assuming that perfect noise-free measurements are possible). Usually, some of the unknown functions are impossible or very hard to measure, so only a subset of them is available…

Ben Hollering, NC State, Longest increasing subsequences of ordered set partitions

The size of a maximum agreement subtree of two phylogenetic trees is a statistic that is often used to test the null hypothesis that no cospeciation occurred between two families of species of interest. The size of the maximum agreement subtree can be computed in polynomial time but the distribution of this statistic is not…

Ziva Myer, Duke, Product Structures for Legendrian Submanifolds with Generating Families

SAS 4201

In contact topology, invariants of Legendrian submanifolds in 1-jet spaces have been obtained through a variety of techniques. I will discuss how I am enriching one Morse-theoretic invariant, Generating Family Cohomology, to an A-infinity algebra by constructing product maps. The construction uses moduli spaces of Morse flow trees: spaces of intersecting gradient trajectories of functions…

Serkan Gugercin, Virginia Tech, Interpolatory model reduction with applications to flow control and nonlinear inversion

SAS 4201

Numerical simulation of large-scale dynamical systems plays a crucial role and may be the only possibility in studying a great variety of complex physical phenomena with applications ranging from heat transfer to fluid dynamics, to signal propagation and interference in electronic circuits, and many more. However, these large-scale dynamical systems present significant computational difficulties when…

Eylem Yildiz, Michigan State University, A note on knot concordance

I will discuss concordances of knots in 3-manifolds. In particular I will show that all the knots in the free homotopy class of $S^1\times pt$ in  $S^1 \times S^2$ are concordant to each other. By Akbulut it turns out that many of these concordances are invertible.