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Sep 26, 2018

UNC-CH Applied Physical Sciences Open House – You’re Invited!

UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Applied Physical Sciences is hosting an Open House for undergraduate students considering graduate school.  Please share widely with your undergraduate population – and thank you!  An event flyer is attached to this email.

Sep 24, 2018

Career Fair

Join us for the 2018 STEAM² Career Expo at NC State University! Wednesday, October 17th from 10am-3pm in the Talley Student Union (3rd floor)

Sep 24, 2018


Shack-A-Thon is a student-run fundraiser that started at NC State in 1998 with one shack and a few passionate students wanting to bring awareness to the issue of affordable housing.  Over the past 20 years, the event has raised more than $450,000 for Habitat for Humanity of Wake County. 

Sep 20, 2018

George T. Barthalmus Undergraduate Research Grants

Proposals will be reviewed by faculty familiar with the field of study (discipline), and recommendations for funding will be considered by a committee appointed by the SNCURCS advisory board. Students will be notified approximately 1 week prior to the fall symposium, and awards will be presented at the fall symposium.

Sep 20, 2018

Applications for 21st annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics

Students interested in attending the 21st annual Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics (NCUWM) on January 25-27, 2019, must complete an application online between October 2 and October 9, 2018.

Sep 20, 2018

Topology dance performance

This math outreach performance will be at Stewart Theatre on campus this weekend.  Supported by the NSF, Dr. Tye Lidman have been working with local dance company Black Box Dance Theater to produce a dance performance involving several students/faculty at NCSU and the local community that teaches about topology (and hopefully encourages a more positive perspective on mathematics and the arts in the community). 

Sep 20, 2018

FBI recruiting visit at NC State University – Sept. 25, 3-4pm, Talley 4280

The FBI is coming to visit campus on 9/25 at 3pm to recruit interns and full time. They are interested in STEM and Business majors (analytical thinkers) for entry level.

Sep 20, 2018

UUG: REU Panel September 24

(Research Experience for Undergraduates) program could be the perfect summer plan for you! Get paid to do mathematics over the summer! Applications are usually free, projects are designated for undergrads, and there are REU programs all across the country! 

Sep 20, 2018

Budapest Semesters in Mathematics Education

Are you passionate about mathematics and the learning/teaching of mathematics? Would you like to spend a semester in a beautiful historical city (home to Paul Erdos and George Polya), with one of the most vibrant cultures in Europe? How about learning in small, lively classes where instructors challenge each student to deeply engage with the material?

Sep 10, 2018


The Graduate School will sponsor a workshop for students interested in applying for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP).  At the workshop, participants will hear from a panel that includes those who have reviewed GRFP applications for NSF, as well as other experts on the review process.  The panel will provide valuable advice on how to put together a winning application.