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Mar 12, 2018

New Undergraduate Research Internship Opportunity at Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center

The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle has an exciting new internship program for undergraduates interested in cancer research. Please distribute appropriately:

Mar 12, 2018

DataFest 2018!

ASA DataFest is a data analysis competition where teams of up to five students attack a large, complex, and surprise dataset over a weekend. Your job is to represent your school by finding and communicating insights into these data. The teams that impress the judges will win prizes as well as glory for their school. Everyone will have a great experience, lots of food, and fun!

Mar 9, 2018

Undergraduate Summer Workshop in Geometry/Topology at Notre Dame

Undergraduate summer workshop in Geometry/Topology at Notre Dame

Mar 6, 2018

StartUp Your Innovative Ideas

StartUp Your Innovative Ideas The popular competition is back for another year at NC State As alluded to in the previous iterations of the faculty newsletter, Deloitte will be on campus…

Mar 5, 2018

Erich Kaltofen recognized at Faculty Appreciation Breakfast

Professor  Erich Kaltofen was invited by his former student Jordan Penley to the February 8, 2018 Faculty Appreciation Breakfast organized by Core Org. Committee of Christian Faculty/Staff Network.  Congratulations to Dr. Kaltofen on being recognized for making a difference in his students’ lives!

Mar 2, 2018

Alun Lloyd selected for Alumni Association Distinguished Graduate Professor Award

Professor Alun Lloyd (Drexel Professor and Director of the Biomathematics Graduate Program) has been selected as one of the four awardees for the 2018 Alumni Association Distinguished Graduate Professor Award at NCSU. The award recognizes his exceptional dedication and prominent contribution to our graduate programs.

Feb 27, 2018

2018 Nonlinear Mechanics and Dynamics (NOMAD) Research Institute Recruitment

recruitment for the 2018 Nonlinear Mechanics and Dynamics (NOMAD) Research Institute is now underway. We are currently seeking highly qualified graduate students interested in participating in our seven-week long program to work on one of six technical projects. Undergraduate level students with the right experience and skill set may also be considered.

Feb 27, 2018

2018 Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference

We also invite graduate students to apply to speak at the conference. Please register by following the link at the conference website:  Limited funding for travel and lodging is available.  The deadline to apply for funding is March 1st.

Feb 22, 2018

$4.5 million bequested to the College of Sciences Foundation to benefit students and faculty in applied mathematics

An anonymous couple has made a $4.5 million bequest to the College of Sciences Foundation to benefit students and faculty in applied mathematics. The gift commitment is one of the largest ever received by COS, and will endow a $2.5 million distinguished faculty chair, a $1.5 million undergraduate scholarship fund and a $500,000 graduate fellowship, all in the Department of Mathematics. 

Feb 21, 2018

Save the Date! NC State University Annual Spring Research and Creativity Symposium

Please join us at the 27th Annual NC State University Undergraduate Research & Creativity Spring Symposium where undergraduate students from NC State will share their innovative research and creative works with the campus and community visitors. The event is open to all faculty, staff, students and general public.